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The leathery Cocoon was what I woke up to. I had somehow turned around in my sleep and grabbed onto Tsunotarou's Wing Talon. It was still in my hand. I let go and rubbed my eyes turning into his side more. I heard a small Huff and his nose touched my forehead. Rubbing it against my scales.

"Hatchling. Time to awake" I grumbled and buried my self further under his arm. I heard a chuckle before he started to stand up.

"Nooo, Still tired" I pouted. He chuckled and put his hand up to cover his mouth.

"Then perhaps this will be a lessen, not to go on late night excursions with out me or you guard" I pouted and sat up getting off his Left wing. He moved them close to his back before turning and checking mine.

"A little swollen this morning but they are looking much healthier" I smiled at him tiredly. He smirked and picked me up.

"We must dress, We will be announcing you to the Public during mid-day." I laid my head on his shoulder as we got dressed. I was just really tired. I wanted to nap so badly. He helped me get on a black dress shirt, and black pants. He tied a green Tie around my neck and put a pretty blue Gem like Broach on top to hold it. I made a small face at looking this fancy. Tsunotarou patted my head as he to dressed up. I had to admit he looked every the part of a dark and Brooding prince. If it wasn't for that smirk on his face. 

"We must dress to meet the Public. Afterwards we will change to something more comfortable" I nodded and played with my ribbon a little. It was the same bright green as was Diasomina dorms colors. She was called the Thorn Faerie after all. I shouldn't be surprised her dorm shares the same colors as a country she was most likely from.  After we were dressed Tsunotarou set me on the backless chair and Brushed my hair. I wonder if I could help him brush his to? After mine was done I looked up at him. He raised an eye brow.

"C-can I help you brush your hair?" He blinked and nodded sitting so I could reach. I tried to be gentle like he was with mine. He also had a lot more hair length wise. I heard his chest rumble, Mine matched his quickly. It filled my chest with warmth to help him to. was this what me Meant by Grooming was a bonding experience? I remember he said something last night about a bonding Flight as well. 

After I was done he stood and held out his hand which I took. We walked to breakfast where everyone was already present. Grandmother was dressed to the Nine! She had on a beautiful Green dress that matched her eyes and a Black over the shoulder cape. The front of her long black hair was wrapped around her horns and some strands were held up by the curl of them. She smiled at us approvingly.

"Lovely, you Both look ever much the part" I blushed and saw Lilia was wearing a suit! With a lot of Badges and metals! I remember hearing Silver say Lilia had heard a lot but not that many. Lilia covered his mouth and chuckled.

"You should cover your mouth young one, Lest you swallow a fly" I closed my mouth with a pout and he chuckled. Silver stood straight, He was dressed in what I assume was the Guards uniform. I was surprised Lilia wasn't wearing a uniform. His looked different, Older and more worn. I guess that would make sense as Lilia is from a whole other Century. maybe even older then that. It wasn't messy in any sense. But it was obvious that it had seen Battle before. 

We all sat and ate our Breakfast. I was told what to expect. Grandmother had given me a bare minimum of what to expect after all. She simply told me we would greet everyone, Make a show of Noche now being my Active guard, and then walk around. What she actually meant was. She would make a speech, Introducing me to everyone. I would then Promptly state who I have chosen as my Guard. Noche would step forward as my chosen and Malleus would hand me to Noche who would then walk me down separately then the others in the family. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now