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I woke in Tsunotarou's wings. I didn't even try to get away I only moved closer. his wings tightened around us. I nosed his chin and he cracked an eye open. I hadn't realized how tired he looked. It looked like he hadn't slept in so long. Yesterday I was so excited I didn't even check. I raised my hand and touched his cheek. He put his forehead to mine.

"Normally you aren't so quiet" I flinched and buried my self to hide. He moved to where we were sitting up.

"Hatchling?" I shook my head. I promised I wouldn't ask for anything if I came back. I promised I would be good. He held me close and nosed my forehead. 

"Hatchling, Talk to me" I shook my head. If I talked I'll get left alone. I felt him move and heard a sigh. He wrapped his arms around me moving his wings so He could see me better. He rubbed my back and I felt his chest rumble giving me time. I didn't feel numb here. I wasn't allowed to show how I was feeling there. I didn't know what to do.

"Breath... One... Two... Three" I did as Tsunotarou said. breath in... Breath out... I curled in Tsunotarou's lap sticking close. He held me.

"I can not help if you do not speak" I felt my self shake.

"I-I don't want to me alone though" He brushed my hair away from my face.

"I will not leave if you talk, I do not plan to leave you any time soon." I nodded. Tsunotarou was always honest if he said he wouldn't leave he meant it. 

"C-can I stay with you today" Can I not be alone ever?" He nodded.

"That was what I had planned. If you wish we can go outside. However I do not plan to allow you out of my sight the rest of Break... Perhaps even after for sometime" I nodded. That was fine! If Tsunotarou was in Sight it meant I wasn't alone. That was ok. I didn't want to be alone. He helped me dress for the day. It was a soft T shirt and some shorts. Something light as it was rather warm Outside compared to the north. I was fine with that. Tsunotarou opened the door and saw that on a table there was breakfast. But there was no one in the hall. He heated the food and checked it for us before setting it down at our table. 

The table was taller then the other rooms. I remember this room but it feels like a far memory. I remember Nix saying something about time. I wonder if that was his Unique magic. To make time feel weird. I checked the food my self. Tsunotarou nodded and ate his own. It as a quiet But not unwelcome. It was nice to just have him in the room.  We stayed in the room the whole day Bonding. After a good long while There was a knock. Tsunotarou growled deeply and waited for a moment before standing with me in his grip and going to the door. On the same table outside was Lunch. He nodded and handed me our food. It was soup. I was happy for something not meat related. I was sick Of meat! After the door was locked and closed we sat down and relaxed to eat.

Lunch was nice. After words I had Tsunotarou sit on the floor and brushed his hair. I added small braids here and there absentmindedly. They didn't look bad but I also undid them as well. Undo and redo Until there was a small wave to his hair. Tsunotarou just read his book and let me do what I wanted. It was nice. I had issues walking around. Tsunotarou said maybe tomorrow we could have Silver look at it. But I could tell it made him uncomfortable. It made me a little uncomfortable to. But as long as Tsunotarou was there and I wasn't in the room alone I was ok. I would be ok. 

I Finished with his hair and slid down off the bed. He looked at me as I slide down making sure I didn't hurt my self. I think this is what Silver once told me about. when I asked about hoarding and Tsunotarou hoarding his loved ones. I was ok with being hoarded as long as I had someone with me. I moved to his side and looked at what he was reading. He thankfully read aloud. More time passed and Another knock sounded. Tsunotarou didn't growl this time he sighed and stood walking to the door and opening it. No one was there. Food however was in the hall. This time it was Mushroom Risotto. It was really good. I was happy Tsunotarou was eating with me. I kicked my legs happily as we ate. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now