Thorn Valley

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I woke up the next morning by my self. Tsunotarou was already dressed in casual clothing, or as casual and Tsunotarou can get I suppose. He was in a black button down with the sleeves rolled up and black dress pants. I could see the glance of a bright green belt but his shirt which was not tucked was covering it. When he turned I could see green wing embroidery on the back.

He turned and smiled at me helping me out of the blankets I had entangled my self in that night. I wonder if he had even gone to bed now that I think about it. I hadn't seen him come to bed or felt the bed move while I slept.  I stretched and rubbed my eyes. Looking around the room most things were packed. There were a few school supplies here and there but clothing wise everything was gone. Tsunotarou handed me a greed long sleeve dress shirt with and open back as was all my shirts. And some black dress pants.

I frowned I had been hopping for casual but instead I got Tsunotarou casual. I put it on easily. Now that the clothing was a more custom I could do the shirts my self. The pants came on and Tsunotarou looked at me hair. This was the first time he had looked at it and now he had a sad look.

"This is quite tangled" He said feeling though it. I nodded.

"I was gonna see if Lilia could maybe cut it" Tsunotarou blinked shocked then narrowed his eyes.

"I did not realize you were so close" I blinked and tugged at the hair. He put his hand to stop me. 

"We're not... but I don't know anyone else who knows how to cut hair" Tsunotarou blinked then his eyes looked relieved.

"I see" I narrowed my eyes.

"Tsunotarou... did I say something to upset you?" He looked at me and shook his head.

"No I should have remembered you are not Raised Fae. In our Culture hair is important. If you wish to have it cut you either ask someone close to you or do so yourself. As it is seen as a bonding experiance" I blink and blush.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know!" Tsunotarou pat my head.

"It is alright I know you did not know. However you are right. It does need to be cut quite a bit. We have a little time before we leave." I smiled.

"Will you cut it for me then!?" Tsunotarou blinked and smiled nodding.

"Yes if you feel alright with me doing so" I nodded. I was close to him atleast. I was actually worried having to ask Lilia to do it. With it being Tsunotaoru it made it much easier to handle. He went to his desk and found a pair of regular scissors. I questioned why we wouldn't use hair cutting ones but I guess It would be weird for him to randomly have them.

He had me sit in the backless chair. Tsunotarou was gentle  he cut my hair actually fairly short in the back. It stuck up a little but I was ok with that. the sides were a clean cut across at a little angle one side was shorter then the other. It almost reminded me of Jade and Floyds hair cut but my bags were cut like Lilias, And the long side of my hair was cut straight across instead of the twins Pointed pieces. I smiled. It wasn't perfect I could tell this was his first time Cutting hair but it felt so much nicer to not have all that hair around me.

I jumped around as he gathered the pools of white on the ground and put them in a small metal trash can before setting them alight. I Blinked at the green flames. It was so pretty! 

"We do this to get ride of anything someone can use against us. This is also why we asked about your horn" I winced at that. Tsunotarou gave me a small smile.

"Not to worry every thing has been found. That included" I smiled at that. that was good. I wonder if Lilia had burned the horn piece as well like he did my hair. There was a knock at the door and Lilia walked in.

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