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After that things didn't change. the only difference was that Noche started to accompany me around When Tsunotarou wasn't around. It wasn't just dropping me off at the training grounds anymore. It was wondering the our home. I felt like I was taking up alot of him time. But when I would ask if there was anything he wanted to do he told me.

"Young Frost, we may do what ever you please" It was frustrating enough that I may have accidentally frozen a corridor. I apologized to Grandmother alot after that but it was drowned out by Lilia's praises about how strong I was getting. After that I had to actually sit with Noche and ask if I was being to much. If he wanted to train with his friends. But his answer was worse then his first.

"Young Frost, You need not worry for me. I am happy to just walk and talk with you" He had this look in his eyes like he wasn't trying to bullshit me or anything. He honestly enjoyed our time walking together. To be honest I did to. He was fun to talk to. 

One day we sat in the Lounge and he told me War stories! Lilia had come in soon after and they told me about a few they had been in together! It made me happy to see Lilia so excited. He always looks so happy to reminisce. Almost as happy as when he finally got that Sword in his WarMake game. That reminds me I should get Idia and Lilia to play games together! 

I think I will miss Noche when I return to NRC. I know I miss walking everywhere with Silver but it was different with Noche. Silver was there to protect Malleus. So Tsunotarou always came first. It was a little frightening to know back when I had my Glimmer that if it came to getting killed. Even if I was right next to Silver and Malleus was across the field. Silver would still go to save him first. I feel that is selfish to say. I care about Tsunotarou alot! I would never want him to be hurt! But that feeling that your less then one of your friends. It still hurts the heart. 

Today was the day we head back. I woke with Tsunotarou. The maids had packed that night leaving us clothing to change into. It was just our uniforms really. I crawled into Tsunotarou's lap and he brushed my hair calmly. After he did mine I did his. We started doing this after the time I did his. After our hair was done I got into my uniform. I had to still ask Tsunotarou for help with the back zippers. Grandmother and Me had not gone on a fight again. I wish we had. I wish I had gotten to do alot more things while I was here. I felt a hand on my head.

"Do not be to upset. We will return in two months time" I nodded, but still I was sad to go. He knelt down and pet my head.

"Hatchling, when we return I will show you something that will make you much less upset, Yes?" I tilted my head. I felt the bubble of excitement now.

"What is it?" He chuckled and stood putting a hand under his chin.

"Hmm now If I told you, you would not look forward to finding out when we get to the dorms" I pouted at him and he chuckled giving me a smile. Motioning me out we meet everyone at the table for Breakfast. Grandmother was smiling but her eyes looked so very sad.

"Yes another Break come and gone" She said taking a bite of her food. I did as well. 

"Hatchling did you have a good time?" I looked up at her and tried to hold in my tears. I was going to save these for a goodbye. I gave her a watery smile.

"Yes, Grandmother. I had the best time in a long time" If she saw my tears in my eyes she didn't say anything. Tsunotarou however always seemed to know my mood and pet my head. We finished breakfast before heading to the doors. It was time to leave. 

Grandmother walked us all to the doors, Noche stood behind her with a sad look on his face. I gave him a watery smile. But it was hard enough to say good bye to Grandmother. Noche standing by her as well was causing tears to fall even while smiling as bright as I could. Tsunotarou pet my head and gave me a nod that it was ok. I ran and hugged Grandmother.

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