Malleus returns

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The next morning, to early for Silver to have come to wake me up.  I hear movement in the Nest. I snapped my eyes open and Growl. I hear a deep familiar Growl return and I sit up. Tsunotarou was standing there his School Uniform Jacket in hand. He gave me a small smile. I felt that feeling in my chest. I stood up and Jumped out of bed and Hugged him. He picked me up and his chest Rumbled. I nosed the under of his chin. I felt Safe. Silver made me feel relaxed enough to do what I needed to but Tsunotarou was safe. Safe and warm. 

"I see you are relieved to have me back Hatchling. I was not gone long" I signed and felt my shoulders untense. 

"No but it's better when your hear" I muttered, Yes I was clinging, Yes I was acting like a baby but I was glad to feel that safety again. Tsunotarou scratched the back of my head. not the horns. he was careful to miss them before setting me to sit on the bed.

"You should go rest some more, Hatchlings need more rest after all" I nodded. 

"Are you heading to sleep to?" Tsunotarou blinked at me then looked at the sky.

"I suppose I could rest for a short while" He said looking back at me. I climbed back into the covers. While I did so Tsunotarou dressed in Pajamas. he moved into the bed and laid down. I curled into his side. I was honestly happy he was back. I didn't realize how much it felt wrong to not have him here. 

Silver was right. I just had to do what my instincts were telling me to. Tsunotarou put his chin on my head. I felt something Cover us and when I looked up I saw his wings were out. When had he take them out. I curled closer in and the Wings wrapped around us like a large Cocoon. I closed my eyes and Felt my chest Rumble. Maybe this was a Dragon equivalent to purring. 


I woke up inside our little Cocoon, It was warm I heard a click sound but I didn't care. It was nice in here. Tsunotarou Growled lowly before sitting up. the warm wings retracting. I gave out a whine.

"My I didn't expect to see the two of you cuddling so adorably. I will have to sent this to the Mistress once I get it developed" I blushed at that. Lilia!? 

"I-I... we" Tsunotaru stood.

"It was inevitable, I was pleasantly surprised that they greeted me at my return. " I blushed worse and hid under the clovers. My left wing gave a little throb and I blinked. I trued to move it but still nothing. Just a throb, maybe I had slept on it wrong. 

"Awwe Little one are you being shy?! Don't be come on out" I narrowed my eyes. I was not being fucking shy!! I was being embarrassed at having my sleeping photo taken! Where was the fucking consent! 

"Lilia I believe they are more Concerned with your new Hobby of Photographing others" Lilia laughed.

"Oh I just want to have some Memorabilia, Soon this Little one will grow and be but a figment of my memories, I had wished they had this technology back when you were a hatchling, You were such a cute one, Your horns always seemed to poke at my chin when I lifted you up" Lilia said a far away look in his eyes.

"I remember when you even clipped my hair, Oh I wonder if our new little one will freeze the Castle when we visit soon" Lilia said smiling brightly. I blushed.

"Let us hope not, That will take quite a while to defreeze, we should hope for a room instead" Tsunotarou that was not helping! I pouted and Lilia laughed.    

"Oh dear I think we are embarrassing our newest little one" Damn right you were! Stop it! Tsunotarou had that Smirk on his face and he folded his arms.

"Well we best stop for now then, I believe if they get any more Red those little Scales will look like rubies" ACK! Why! why would you say something like that. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now