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After the Rage things started to just fall back into a good place. Days turned to weeks. Tsunotaoru and I would walk together. I was truly smiling again as was everyone else. It was hard to let go of Tsunotarou during the day but after three weeks he allowed me to be accompanied by just Noche again. It was stated I was to stay with him though at all times. This was ok. I was happy to stay with him. Noche let me touch his face. He to had seemed hurt by all that had happened. This was evident when the first time we were alone he apologized for not being able to protect me. I didn't blame him. Lilia was right. It was the Northern Clan's fault this had all happened. 

It was a slow process but we all started to go back to our day to day lives. Silver would train along with Grim who wouldn't stop until the sun went down. During the course of the Summer He got stronger. He would Shoot his fire with out closing his eyes. He didn't need me to direct him anymore. He had trained in hand to hand with Sebek and Magic with the Mage Guards. I was Proud of the Beast he was growing into.

During days Noche would train I would be with Tsunotarou or Grandmother. Grandmother I found would baby me quite a bit if I allowed her to. She would take time out of her schedule to read to me and tell me tales of when she was a fledgling. I also found She used to be quite the trouble maker. She once told me she even got jealous of a baby and cursed her! Of course she regretted it soon after and attempted to take the curse off. It took sixteen years for her to be able to take the curse of.  Lilia stated he thought he would have to rush to find a prince to kiss her if Grandmother hadn't found a way to take it off. 

Things were finally looking up. As the summer grew warmer even in our little mountain side. Tsunotarou would take me to the Lake on the Hatchling grounds. He allowed me to swim in the lake. I learned there was a Cousin of Merpeople in the lake! She said her name Roscida. Tsunotaoru said she was a Nixie! A Freshwater Mermaid. I think she was beautiful. She was kind and allowed me to continue swimming in the lake. 

One day I even found her sitting and waiting for us. She would smile and brush my cheek with her knuckles gently. She made me a necklace of her own design. I learned she had lived in the lake for years and was happy another hatchling had come to her lake. I later learned she had watched Tsunotarou grow as well as silver. However she was not old enough to watch Grandmother grow. Unlike her Salt water cousins She did not need a potion to change shape. She could change her legs with ease. It was her Unique magic. Sometimes if it was raining she would join Tsunotarou and I on our walks.

as Weeks passed I found my self growing more relaxed in our home. Ventus had been freed of his imprisonment. He had been found not Guilty of any crimes to the Thorn Valleys royal family. He was honestly a good person. A little rough around the edges but a good person. Begrudgingly Malleus asked what Ventus wished as a reward for returning his Hatchling to him. Ventus asked to join the Guards in training. 

We were all surprised. He said he wished to learn and grow in strength to better help protect Those he cared for. I feel that the other did not trust him but That was understandable. He did however Renounce his name as a GlacDrac. Instead only going be Ventus. I personally think Roscida had a crush on him. Every time he would pass the Hatchling grounds to go to the Training Fields she would jump in to the water and peek at him from under the ripples. It was rather cute. 

I was happy. I felt light and free. Tsunotarou had started my flight lessons again. It was nice to feel the air in my wings again. Noche had started to train me in the Hatchling grounds on how to use my frost. Noche I learned had Ice magic as well as his Unique magic. His allowed him to create a Weapons from his ice. Mine seemed to allow me to freeze people to the ground. at least that was all I was able to do now. He said with practice I should be able to create something truly Unique to me in time. Thought Roscida did not appreciate me freezing her lake one day. Noche did help me unfreeze it though! 

Before we all knew it. Summer was over and It was time for another year at NRC. Noche was joining as my Guard only. not as a student, Grim was once again rooming with Sebek, Tsunoarou and I would continue to share a room. 

The good byes were hard. But Honestly I felt it was ok. I would miss grandmother and the Main nest. But I was happy to return to the school. Winter Break was only a few months away. During that time She said she would be hosting a Yule ball. 

Things were finally back on track. I was thankful for everyone helping me and I was ready for a new Start in classes. I was a Sophomore now even Child like as I am. and I had alot of work to do. Hopefully Grim and my friends, New and Old will help me along the way. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now