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Thorn Valley is generally cold, So during Breaks we should not have to worry about accommodations in regards to temperature" I blinked.

Wait... What was that about Thorn Valley?! Did they mean I would be going with them there?! I looked at Tsunotarou and Lilia who were both talking amongst themselves.

"Yes I agree, Though we will have to set up the Hatchling grounds once again, They were taken down after yourself Grew, We did not think another would be join us so soon" Lilia said putting a hand under his chin. Tsunotarou nodded.

"Yes we should get in Contact with Grandmother as soon as possible. She will be Delighted to hear she has another to dote on" I blushed. Um. I don't think this is going the way I want it to. Hello!? Anyone hear my internal screaming?!? Lilia come on you always seem to know what's on other peoples mind! Read mine! I don't want this!? Lilia just smiled brightly.

"Oh The Mistress will be so happy to hear little feet again!? The last was Silver and she much more Enjoyed yours then his! Oh she will be overjoyed to see that They have yet to learn to Fly that was her favorite lesson to teach the little ones" Lilia started monologuing I was doomed.  Tsunotarou looked down at me.

"You have nothing to Fear, Grandmother is not as she appears" That did not make me feel better damn it!

"Tsunotarou, I will be fine being left here, I don't want to trouble you and your family just because I messed up" I tried to reason. But sadly he saw right though it.

"You will not be a trouble Hatchling, Quite the contrary, I am Sure Grandmother would love to see another of our kind running about" welp just had to go right for my heart didn't you. 

"Though I suppose we should inform her ahead of time. She will not be please If I have come with Hatchling and did not inform her Prior" Tsunotarou said to Lilia. He nodded.

"Noted, I will send a letter to her so she may prepare everything. Spring Break is after all right around the corner. She will be delighted to hear the news." I sighed. I wasn't going to win this one was I? 

It wasn't until after we all ate that I felt much better. Tsunotarou had allowed Lilia to try to cook once again. This only ended in disaster. Silver had to come and help us put out the fire. Lilia had tired to prompt me to put it out but I didn't know how to. It was a little disappointing that I couldn't get Ice to form on my own yet.  

That was how the week continued, I would got to classes, Silver would walking me inbetween them, Mid day I would grow Tired, After classes Tsunotarou would take me to nap up in the room. Lilia would wake me up for Dinner, Silver and Grim would join us often. Tsunotarou would work in his study doing paper work. Then I had to go to bed by 8pm. I was not happy for the early bed time. I used to stay up much later than that. 

Some days I would get upset. More then I would like to admit. I would glare or Growl. Especially when I was woken up from my after class naps. One day I attempted to swipe and Claw at whoever was about to grab my shoulder. Lilia had caught my hand and tapped my nose telling me.

"NO no we don't do that to someone trying to wake you up" Like I was a little kid being scolded. Though with how old Lilia was I very well was a child... actually to everyone I looked like a child. Another time I made the mistake of Biting Tsunotarou's hand when he attempted to help me up after I had another outburst. I never realized Tsunotarou's hand was hard as a fucking rock. But fuck did that hurt! I swear I chipped a tooth! Tsunotarou chuckled at me when I did that and took of his gloves to small scales on the back of his hands. I had to squint to see them. They were Flesh colored.

"this is why you don't bite Hatchling" He teased. I was fucking mortified I had even attempted to Bite him. I had never tried to bite anyone. sure I sometimes felt like I wanted to but never actually did! No one mentioned it thankfully though I felt like Sebek and Silver kept their hands behind their backs after that.  

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now