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The next day I woke and immediately searched the Tsunotarou. He thankfully was only getting dressed. Looking at me he gave me a small smile. I didn't wait to get dressed I pulled his hand to the door. I had to check that Grim and Silver were ok. Tsunotarou Didn't resist as I pulled him along. First was Grim. He was the closest I knocked on the door and Noche opened it. I rushed in and saw Grim sleeping. Letting out a sign I pet his head and we moved to Silver and Lilia's room. It was a little bit of a walk as it was down the Hall from us but when we got there Lilia just opened the door. He let me rush in and go to Silver. I sniffed and didn't smell as much blood as last night. Silver was awake reading a book in bed. He gave me a soft smile and pet my head.

"I am alright" I narrowed my eyes at him. I would be the judge of that thank you! I sniffed and checked him as Tsunotarou had done to me before. Once I was certain he was ok I sighed and put my head on his arm. He had really scared me. Grim had come back unscathed but Silver hadn't. He could have died if it had been worse. I keep thinking back to Nix words.

"I just fear for your friends lives. One is very much human and the other is a small Beast. us talking about it will only give us less time to find them before dark" He had said it so calmly. I stuck to Silver's side. I didn't want anyone out of my sight but I couldn't be everywhere at once.

"young one" I looked up at Lilia who smiled. He moved to the bed side and sat next to us.

"He is going to be just fine, Thankfully the Head wound only looked serious. Everything was Superficial at most" I nodded. I knew this I knew he was ok. I could see it. He was talking and acting as he normally does. but... Silver placed a hand on my head.

"Father is staying with me, You should go enjoy your time it will be boring only staying here with me" I looked at him then at Tsunotarou and Lilia. I didn't want to go. But if Lilia was here... He would keep Silver safe. Lilia was strong, Lilia was an adult. I nodded and Tsunotarou picked me up gently. he walked me out and pet my head.

"We have to get you something to eat Hatchling, You skipped yesterday" I shook my head. I should check Grim again, He could be awake now. I wasn't very hungry anyway. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Skipping meals will not help your companions." I frowned. Don't point that out to me!!

"Can I grab some tuna for Grim? a-and can we take Silver something to eat?" Tsunotarou nodded giving me a small smile.

"I am certain they will enjoy that." As we headed down the stairs Ventus passed us. But he was strangely quiet. He bowed and let us pass before walking off. From what I had seen of his personality he was normally the Loudest of the Brothers. I watched and Noticed he was heading in the opposite direction of our chambers. Relaxing a little I curled in Tsunotarou's arms. 

We got to the kitchen and the Staff working cooked us some food to eat as well as some for my friends. After eating we went to take their food up to them. Like room serves. I held Grim's tuna and a little something for Noche while Tsunotarou held Silver and Lila's breakfast. We stopped by Silver's room first and dropped off the food to them. Lilia thanked us and went to give Silver his food. He was on Bed rest today so Lilia had requested to stay by his side. Grandmother was of course always willing to do any to help. We stopped by Noche's room and I gave him his breakfast. He thanked me and pet my head helping me onto Grims bed to wake him. 

Shaking his shoulder a few times he woke groggily. This was before he smelled his Precious tuna. He thanked us brightly and started chowing down. I laughed alittle watching him eat. He was a messy eater. After a bit Tsunotarou said I was to let them rest. Noche was going to stay with Grim. Tsunotarou took me to Grandmother, It was safer this way. We stayed in the study for most of the day. Every so often I would get a bit of Anxiety and Tsunotarou would have to take me to check on Silver and Grim. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now