Back in class

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I woke the next morning in Tsunotarou's wings. like always it was warm in them. I twitched mine and looked up at him. He cracked an eye open and smiled constricting his wings around me. I laughed and tried to wiggle out. He was playing with me.

"Well, I seem to have caught a Hatchling in my trap" I snickered and Clicked my teeth at him in an almost chattering sound. He raised an eye brow and Snapped his back at me. A way of play. Baring your teeth was different. Chattering them like this was meant for play. As I got older it would be a sign to back off. But for now before I reach Fledgling it was play fighting only. Him snapping meant he would play along. I wiggled and nipped at him trying to get out of his wings. he rolled us like a Crocodile and stood throwing me into the air and catching me.

"Goodness such weak pray. Hmm maybe I should have Lilia prepare you" I laughed and shook my head.

"No! haha Lilia can't cook me right!" He blinked and laughed.

"Yes yes you are correct Pray, I should cook you my self how lazy of me" He smirked. I stuck my Tongue out at him and grinned. He put me down and petted my head. Frowning I knew it was time to get ready. It had gotten easier to deal with being so Young while I was in the Valley. But here I had to act older I'm sure. I took a breath and put on my uniform. Tsunotarou Helped with my Jacket I fluttered my wings at him a little. He touched my left wing with a small smile.

"Soon you may not even need these Altered uniforms." He said I looked at him then at my wings.

"They are growing nicely. Your left has healed tremendously. As soon as they are at a good length we can work on how to retract them" I winced. Getting them out was not a good experience. I don't even wanna know what putting them back will feel like. Tsunotarou petted my head.

"It will not be as bad this time" I huffed at him. Ya sure easy for him to say. Taking a breath we gathered our class items. Tsunotarou checked on Gao- Gao Drakon-kun. They were fine just needed to be feed and some things cleaned up. He let me feed them. I remember Deuce telling me about him having to fix Malleus Virtual pet. He really cared for them alot. 

I gathered my books into my back as did he. We then Walked downstairs to get some Breakfast. It was really good. Tsunotarou held my hand until we meet Silver who took my hand and walked me to class. 

"Well back to normal" I joked. Silver nodded with a small smirk.

"Yes I suppose so. At least for a few more months. Noche may make me jealous next year getting to walk you around" I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Yes I am sure, Just think of all the napping opportunities though" He scowled and I snickered. I think my favorite memory of this weekend was seeing Silver fall asleep Sword in hand. Normally he takes his training so seriously. But he had been waiting his turn to battle and well. He fell asleep using his sword to hold him up. 

He took me to my class dropping me off and reminding me not to leave until he came to gather me. I promised to stay put. Grim weirdly enough was already in class, though he looked worse for wear. He was groaning with his fluffy head on the table looking like death.

"Awe Grim what happened? Didn't like being back with Sebek?" I smirked from behind my hand. He pouted at me.

"Shut up! It's so unfair you get to be all cozy and I get stuck with the loon!" I glared a little and sat next to him.

"Grim Sebek isn't a loon. You should have seen him Training with the Guards! He really is strong. Member how he carried all those desks a while ago! That was like nothing compared to some of those guys! I saw him take down a Bear Beastman like they were nothing!" Grim's eyes widened.

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