Lunch time

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After Alchemy was History. Ace and Deuce walked with each other. Deuce didn't say a word to me but they both raised an eye brow when Silver came and held my hand to my next class. Grim walked Beside us talking about how he could have done the lesson with his arms tied behind his back. I snickered. It was nice to have some normalcy in this craziness.

Silver dropped me off and Told me Mr. Vargas was told about my condition. I made a face at that. He was told I would need a little extra attenion mostly because in Silver's words. I was Weak compaired to the others. This was Bullshit! I was perfectly fine! Just wait till Gym class! After that Silver went to his next class. I sat in my chair and put my head down.

"Yuu, Ya ok?" I shook my head at Grims question. No not really!

"No... I feel like I can't get away" Grim patted my back.

"They're just worried, Show um they got nothin' ta be worried 'bout ya?" I nodded and rubbed my face taking deep breath. I was fine. I could do this.

"Don't tell them that! They'll hold it in again ya stupid Raccoon!" Ace said hitting Grim upside the head. I covered my mouth.

"Just feel what ya gotta feel Yuu! guess what it sucks, You aren't an adult your not human your gonna get watched like a hawk. Deal with it. You are a kid, Get a free pass to tantrum and get mad!" I pouted. And there was the Ace I knew, Only sometimes loved... not today. though it did make me crack a smile.

"That's what Tsunotarou was telling me to. That I might get Temperamental and to not hold it in. It's just hard. Been so long sense I just-" I made a wave with my hand.

"let my self go... it's weird.. not coughing all the time. not worrying if something was showing. not making sure my expressions were ok" I put my chin in my arms. Ace sighed and Ruffled my hair between my horns. I pouted at him.

"Welp get used to the weird cause it ain't going anywhere" I snorted and swatted his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me who knows where your nasty hands have been" Ace laughed.

"Ooooh I'm a tell your HouseWarden your swearing" I blushed and glared.

"You wouldn't dare! Besides he should be used to my swearing he's heard it before" I crossed my arms sticking up my nose. Grim smirked.

"Ya, But your his little Hatchling now.. Ya think he gonna let ya get away with it now?" I felt a sudden dread in me... FUCK!!! 

" will be fine..." Ya that didn't sound convincing at all. Ace covered his mouth. and put an arm around Deuce.

"Come on Lousy Deucy. Their still Yuu, Just a yuu that's pint size" I Blushed.

"I AM NOT PINT SIZE!! I am normal size!!" I knew what Ace was doing. and I really appreciated it. more then I could tell him. Deuce cracked a smile.

"Oh ya sure you are" Deuce said. I pouted and stuck out my tongue.

"WOAH! you got a forked tongue!?" I blinked and crossed my eyes. How had I not noticed that? Grim snorted with Ace as I tried to look. Deuce covered his mouth but soon all three were laughing.

"Come on it's not funny do I really " I laughed looking at them while I did it. I could kinda see a forked tongue? or was I just seeing double? Deuce finally had mercy on me and took out his phone.

"Hahaha hold on let me just" He took a photo of me and then showed it to me. I did in fact have a forked tongue! I could also finally see alot of the damage. There were scraps of my cheeks where little Iridescent Scales were starting to appear. I knew soon they would cover my cheeks under my eyes like crystal Freckles. I had some on my forehead as well but that was easily covered with my hair. I saw even if my eyes were crossed in the photo that my pupils were slightly slit. I'm sure in sun they would slit further in like a cats. My hair was tangled and some was over my horns in a mess. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now