Waking up

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I woke in arms that were far to big to be someone my age's. They wrapped around me and rocked.

"I believe the hatching is waking." I had heard that before, Hatchling, What did that mean? I Coughed and reached out an arm to help me sit up. I felt a fluffy paw on my back pushing me up.

"T-thanks grim" I opened my eyes only to see someone I never thought I would. Tsunotarou was holding me up. Kneeling next to me.

"T-Tsunotarou?!" I blinked confused then pulled back. Grim Grumbled behind me.

"Careful yuu! You're not as big as ya use ta be but you're still heavy!" I turned looking at Grim. He was my size. Eye to eye. I looked at Tsunotarou and then down at my self. White hair covered my slightly scaled legs. I started to breath heavy and I looked at my arms in full view. 

"Yes I find you have much explaining to do Hatchling" I looked up at the Narrowed eyes of Tsunotarou. I gulped and looked at grim who shrugged.

"Don't look at me, He was on his way here when I ran out to get help. Ya' really scared us Yuu" I looked around ringing my hands nervously. I didn't like this. I didn't like him seeing me like this. why was I so small? the mirror showed someone older. Why did I look like Mirror me? what happened to my Older Human looking Glimmer.

"I can see the hatchling is Frightened. may haps we should move somewhere warmer? Young hatchlings should be in heat preferably in their nest with their mothers but sadly we do not have one readily available" I jumped and looked up at Lilia who smiled at us. Tsunotarou narrowed his eyes at Lilia.

"I was not aware you have arrived Lilia" Lilia snickered and moved to take off his Green and black large Jacket. He must have come from his dorm. Lilia draped it around me and picked me up.

"I felt a small disturbance. You certainly aren't upset that I was worried can you?" Lilia smirked at Tsunotarou and cradled me in his arms.

"My dear, Yuu, You certainly have shrunk sense the last I laid eyes on you. But I supposed after hiding for so long and maintaining yourself this could happen" I blushed. So I was right that Lilia suspected.

"Lilia you were aware?" Tsunotarou said following after Lilia who walked to my room and sat on my bed. My face felt Hot.

"Oh no I would have put a stop to it if I were certain, I did suspect they were concealing their magic and had a Glimmer, But not to this extent" I wiggled trying to get out but Lilia's grip tightened.

"And to pull out your pretty scales, Such a naughty hatchling" How much did he know? I froze. Tsunotarou looked down at me. I felt my body freeze under his gaze.

"I believe we are owed an explanation child of man, or shale we call you hatchling now?" Grim froze in the room with me.

"I-I" I tried. But my body was frozen. I didn't know what to do.

"Calm Malleus you're Aura is causing their instincts to run wild. You must calm yourself" Lilia said their face never changing from that smile of theirs. after a moment it got easier to breath and I didn't feel as fidgety anymore.

"There now, Let us start with why a young hatchling was hiding their self?" I turned my head down ashamed. I had worked to hard and now I was found out. I was stuck in a small body and they could see the wounds and scales and horns. 

"Yuu,... you knew someone was gonna find out eventually" Grim tried climbing onto my bed. I sniffed and whipped my eyes. I felt like a Baby crying in front of Tsunotarou and Lilia like this. Lilia pet my head being mindful of the horns.

"I didn't know I was at first" I whispered. Lilia blinked down at me but it was Tsunotarou who spoke.

"What do you mean at first?" I looked up at him with bit eyes. Something said to look in his eyes. I don't know why but It made me feel better. I could feel my shoulder's relaxing a little.

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