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The next morning I did not wake to Tsunotarou. It left me in a small panic until Noche put a hand on my shoulder. I almost froze him right where he stood if I had not recognized his scent. I let out a sign and he moved closer keeping low to the ground.

"W-Where?" Noche gave me a gentle smile.

"Lilia had to get him up this morning. You slept late Young frost" I frowned and clenched the sheets. Noche put his hand on mine.

"He normally-" Noche nodded.

"Not today though. It would seem that the Lady of the house called both for a meeting. However he informed me that we were allowed to walk the grounds after you awoke. Your friend Grim is with Silver at the moment for some Training. How about we go meet them?" I nodded a small smile. He gave me a gentle smile and stood slowly. I climbed out of the bed and looked for a sweater. I found a black one that I put on and some black water proof pants. The sweater was rather big but that was ok. It was comfortable and smelled nice. Noche covered his mouth and when I gave him a look he smiled.

"Seems you picked your caretakers sweater Young Frost" I blushed and looked realizing this really was his it was much to large. I curled in it though. I didn't wanna take it off. Noche put a hand to my head and crouched down.

"I am sure he would not mind you barrowing it. Besides I believe it will show this Clan how much you care for our Thorn Prince." I smiled. That was true! We walked out of the room and walked down the corridors. On our way Hiems bumped into us. He looked at us and his eyes widened slightly at me.

"Hatchling! I was not aware you were awake" Noche narrowed his eyes at Hiems.

"They have just awaken, We are on to see the Guard train" Hiems narrowed his eyes right back and gave a low growl.

"That would be quite dangerous for one so young do you not think" He said in a quiet calm that made a shiver run down my spine. Noche did not back down though.

"They have seen training before and have been safe. The ones training know how to keep it safe for them" Hiems pinched the bridge of his nose.

"They must atleast eat first, This must be your first time watching one so young" I swallowed a growl. That was not only an insult to me but an insult to Noche. How dare Hiems say such a thing. Noche just knew I needed time to get my mind off Tsunotarou being away. At that thought I felt my chest ping. I couldn't hold back the whine from my throat.

"As you can see they much be hungry" I wanted to bite him. This was not a hungry whine! this was a I'm sad whine!

"I'm sure they are Heir GlacDrac, However that was not a hungry whine." Noche stated calmly moving to me and placing a hand on my head.

"Not to worry Young Frost, He will return as soon as the Lady of the house is done. Come let us get your mind away for a while. I hear your Beast has been training quite alot" I smiled a little at Noche. He knew me better. I nodded.

"Ya, He rooms with Sebek back at the Dorm. he started training with him alot after the first day back" Noche grinned and stood holding my hand.

"My, Sebek is quite strong he chose a good master to train under" Hiems narrowed his eyes and watched us go. I could feel them all the way to the corner we turned on. after that I let out a small breath.

"Pay no mind to the GlacDrac Heir, Young Frost. He has been hostile much of the morning I am told" I nodded and looked back.

"I don't like the way he talked. Like he thought you didn't know any better" Noche nodded and gave me a smile.

"I am honored you feel the need to defend me. It brings me joy you care so" I smiled up at him.

"Of course I care Noche! Your not only my Guard your my friend! the first one I made when I came to the Valley. No one gets to treat you badly" I said puffing my chest. He chuckled and picked me up.

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now