next day

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I woke up the next morning in a pile of blankets. It was a warm feeling, Grim had caught me doing this once before. I had to train my self to stop. I had a tendincy to hoard blankets and sleep in a Pile of them. I was a nice feeling. Warm on all sides. I liked to sleep in a ball. Tsunotarou was already awake and dressed. I rubbed my eyes and then blinked.


Tsunotarou?... last night.. It wasn't a bad dream. I jumped up and looked at my self again save little arms, Same little legs, Same long ass fucking white hair! Tsunotarou Looked at me and Raised an eye brow.

"I had assumed you would sleep longer after your tireless night. May haps I had been underestimating your ability to prove me wrong" I pouted at him. He had a soft look in his eyes.

"Come Hatchling we must get you dressed, I am quite sure Lilia would appreciate his Jacket returned" I blushed looking at the jacket. It was warm. I was gonna miss it, it smelled nice. Tsunotarou reached and I growled. He raised and eye brow at me. I hugged the jacket. Mine! Tsunotarou stared at me in the eyes. I stared back. I will never blink! Mine!! Tsunotarou stared...we stayed like that for a good while before I whined and rubbed my eyes. Tsunotarou took the jacket away.

"H-Hey!" I gasped.

"I won Hatchling, You must live with the consequences" I blinked...he won?...won what? the staring contests? I rubbed my eyes that made my head hurt. Tsunotarou looked at his clothes then at me.

"We will have to request Lilia to clothing once again" He said narrowing his eyes. at that moment Tsunotarou's door knocked and Lilia walked in holding some clothes.

"No need, I have already gathered a few I believe will fit the little one" Lilia smiled at me and Tsunotarou handed them their jacket.

"Thank you Lilia we will return them once we know in which dorm they will be sorted and how to proceed" Lilia nodded.

"No rush!" As I looked through the clothes I was happy to say they all smelled like the jacket. That was nice. I took off the Large sweater that I was not swimming in and replaced it with a long black sleeve shirt that was still to big for me as well as a pair of Black shorts. The shorts seemed to be one of the Few bottoms that fit me correctly. Though they were still baggy on me. I was just happy with all this Hatchling nonsense Tsunotarou allowed me to dress my self. That would have been much more embarrassing. There was yet another knock on the door.

"Young Master have you awakened?" I blinked and looked at Tsunotarou. He put his finger to his mouth and shook his head. Oh! Tsunotarou was hiding from Sebek again. I nodded. After a moment I heard Sebek talking to Silver about losing Tsunotarou once again. Silver argued that He was an adult and didn't have to be watched like a child. I looked at Tsunotarou, He looked at me but didn't say anything.

After a while We heard them leave before Tsunotarou picked me up and walked out. Lilia was waiting with Grim and Silver, Grim looked like death.

"Even my stomach can't..." I heard him say. Silver patted his back.

"I see you have been cooking once again, Lilia" Lilia turned and smiled, a brown goop behind him bubbled.

"I thought with a little one we should make sure they were feed, It has been so long sense we had little feet running around" I blushed at a that.

"I believe it would be more wise to have Silver cook today. I require your assistance in preparing the Hatchling for the day. You are more knowledgeable then I on the subject" I glanced at Tsunotarou. oh he was good.

"Oh! Ofcourse, Silver will you keep an eye on the pot for me?" Silver had a relieved look oh his face before he nodded.

"Yes, Sir" he said walking over. Lilia moved to us and held out his hands for me. Tsunotarou handed me to him and followed as Lilia walked us to his room.

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now