The Brothers

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That night Tsunotarou retired us to his room. Noches room was right across from us as well as Grim's room so that they could be close incase of an emergency. Grandmothers room was down the hall. Silver and Lila's room was across from hers. We were walked to our rooms by Nix who smiled and told us he hopped we had a safe night. Closing the door Tsunotarou pulled out his Pen and cased a spell in the door. This would allow him to know who was knocking. He then Let out a breath and set me down. I touched his cheek as he put me down. He raised his hand to mine and gave me a soft smile.

"What happened during the meeting?" I asked. He gave me a tired look Placing our Personal Items down to be unpacked.

"Many exhausting Debates. Lady Mila seems to believe you look underfeed. She also stated you appeared to be in far to many layers. Grandmother stated that You were not an Ice dragon and could get colder then she could. it was a rough debate. there were many Statements made all around I am afraid" I winced and looked at him in Sympathy. 

"So that was why Ventus said those things" I winced. He really was making Jabs. Tsunotarou nodded and let go so we could get dressed.

"I will agree with them on your nutrients however. We should be giving you far more iron" I groaned and laid on the bed. he chuckled at me.

"Is something wrong? You seemed to enjoy your Drink tonight" I pouted at him.

"It was fine but it was Thick! And now my mouth tastes like Metal!" I complained. He smirked and handed me my Pajamas. 

"There there, It is only till you are a fledgling" I pouted. He knew damn well that would take like 50 more years! We climbed into bed and I curled into Tsunotarou sighing. Even with Him here next to me I couldn't relax. There This was not like at the dorms or at the Main Nest. This was still uncharted. Tsunotarou was here but it was enemy Territory. Tsunotarou pet my head to help me sleep. I felt him move to the base of my horns and closed my eyes. He was going to help me sleep. 


I woke In the Wing Cocoon. It was warm and I could feel little bits of Cool air on some parts of me. Tsunotarou was petting my head wide awake. I looked at him sad. Did He not sleep last night? He smiled down at me and I nosed his chin giving a small whine.

"I am fine Hatchling. You need not worry" I pouted at him but he just curled around me hugging me close. There was a knock signaling we had to get up. Tsunotarou signed and stood walking to the door to open it. Lilia walked in smiling.

"Goodness I see you both slept well. We must all rise however. The day has started and I am sure the Little one would love to play in the snow" I felt my self perk at this. Snow!! I had seen it outside but Nix had only shown us the inside. Tsunotarou leaned against the door frame smirking.

"Yes I can see they would" He joked. I stuck my tongue out at him and crawled out of the large bed sliding to the floor. He chuckled and went to the Drawers gathering our clothing. He gave me a Sweater and water proof pants to put on with some boots. I was handed a Scarf it was Green and black much like my sweater! I smiled putting it on. He chuckled and helped me with my boots. 

"Wings out today. I Will be walking with you" He stated putting on his own sweater as well as his jacket. He put them on with grace not needing any help to get his wings through. It wasn't fair how does he do that!! He smiled at me and left my jacket and Hat alone however he did hand me some gloves.  I put the black gloves on and he put on his own. Lilia smiled brightly at us.

"Wonderful now that we are all ready let us head out!! The Mistress is readying as we speak! and the Gentlemen are all ready!" I giggled at how excited Lilia was. He was surprisingly very active in the winter. I think it had to do with the cloudiness of the sky. We walked to the Hall. Noche was waiting for us with Grim on his shoulder. Grim had a cute little black and white scarf on and little mittens. He was a fire Beast. he must not like the snow much.  Noche was dressed in his uniform winter wear. I wonder if he had any other clothes besides his Uniform. 

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