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I woke in the middle of the night to a terrible fit of coughs. It hurt so much. I could hear Grim snoring in the room across form me. I tried to keep quiet as not to wake him. He had a test he was studying for all of yesterday. I had gotten him to study this weekend so he could pass. I coughed and something came up. Turning to the bucket I started keeping by my bed I vomited the black Blot inside. It was like ink. Thick and heavy. My mouth tasted of iron. I could feel my self tearing up. I should take a shower quickly to wash this all way. The showers helped. They kept me from spreading this Black Liquid everywhere. I was just glad Ace and Deuce were at their dorm tonight getting ready for the Tea party on Sunday. 

It was so quiet during this time of night. So lonely. While I was in pain it was hard to hear the snores of grim to remind me someone was here. That I wasn't Forgotten. The coughing drowned it out. I picked my self up grabbing the side table when a wave of Dizziness hit me. I held my Bucket and coughed into it. Spitting black inside. I'm sure my teeth looked stained and gross. I could hear Vil now telling me I had to take better care of my self. That appearance was everything when making an impression on the potato's around us. 

I shuffled keeping a hand on the wall and I went into the bathroom. It was dark and I saw a flash of my self in the mirror. Pretty iridescent scales filled the waste bucket near it. The mirror showed me. The Real me. I looked like I was dyeing. Cuts littered my cheeks from pulling out those scales. It had hurt so much but I found the Instinctual grimmer had a hard time hiding them and if the light hit me just right I would shine a bit. They had to go. I could not risk being found out after so long of working to hide it.

two horns on my head could be seen. Small, only about 3 inches in height. Unlike Tsunotarou's Beautiful 8 inch Obsidian colored horns that spiraled up. Mine were straight. Clear with a slight blue at the tip. Only one had a point. the Other was broken. I hated to sight of them. If it hadn't hurt so much to break one horn I would have broken the other too, But the one was enough to make me scream and Bleed out. Grim made me swear not to try again. I think he still checked when I walked past a mirror to see I had Kept my promise. Not that I would break it. Once was enough. 

The broken one had started to grow back but it throbbed every so often and was slow growing. I had done it soon after we had helped Azul. He had hit it in one of his attacks and It hurt so much. I thought if I didn't have them I could dodge better. I learned my lesson to just leave them be. The glimmer hide them just fine. I took in my slit eyes. These are one of the things that give me away. I glared at them. If I got to emotional they would slit even under the Glimmer. I had to constantly remind me self to keep calm. Control your emotions otherwise this is all for not. 

I looked at me self, Glaring at what I saw. It didn't even look like the me everyone see's. The eyes were much more narrow, the Hair was white and long. I could see the start of Scales growing form the scabbed over wounds. I would have to pluck them out soon. I was gaining quite the collection of scales it seemed. I would have to get ride of them soon before anyone noticed their appearance in my home. My Body scales I could hide much easier then my face. Inside the locker room the sun could not hit them to make them shine. The glimmer did a good job inside any building.  

I climbed into the shower not wanting to look at my self any more. it would only make me more depressed. I coughed up more black splattering the Tub walls. I would have to clean the bathroom tomorrow it seemed. I turned on the shower not bothering the get undressed. I just sat feeling the Eucalyptus fill the bathroom. I felt the warm water seep into my sweater. I would be a shame I would have to clean it tomorrow. I closed my eyes hopping the water would wash away the Black Blots like it always did. My eye's snapped open as I heard the bathroom door open.

"Yuu? Ya in there?" I moved the curtain and smiled softly at grim.

"h-hey, Grim... what...what ya doing up?" I said in between pants. The coughing had warn me out so much it was hard to talk. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now