Glacdrac Family

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I was woken up by the lights turning on in the nest. Hiems walked in with a soft smile and set my food down. He walked over and Helped me out of bed. My ankle wasn't hurting as bad right now. I could lean on Hiems and walk almost ok! He helped me to the table and brushed my hair as I ate. I couldn't taste the food much. It all tasted the same lately. That was ok. I won't complain. If I complain I'm being bad. And I have to be good.  

"We will be having visitors today, Hatchling" I looked up at Hiems. I remember he telling me this yesterday... Was it yesterday? It didn't feel like it but It was hard to keep track. He chuckled at me and cupped my cheek before standing.

"They will be coming in a small while. You have been very good lately. Do you remember who I told you were coming?" I thought for a moment. I remember Hiems saying that the Brothers were coming. No he said Our brothers. Were they mine to? That didn't feel right either. But I knew I had to answer or Hiems would get upset and leave quicker.

"O-Our brothers?" That was what he said exactly wasn't it? Maybe I should have just said Brothers. Would he be upset? He didn't look upset. In fact he looked very happy. Good I got it right! Now he would stay here longer! I finished eating and He gathered my dishes and set them on a higher counter. I couldn't reach this counter very well. Not that I tried. I couldn't move with out Hiems help. Every time I tried he would help me to bed and leave quickly. I didn't like when he left quickly.

"When are they coming?" I asked from my place on the soft floor. He smiled at me pleased.

"Oh rather quickly I assure you. You may recognize them." Recognize... from before.. My chest hurt and I curled a little. I felt him pet my head. He knelt down by me with a sad look. Don't look sad please. If you get upset you'll leave.

"I'm sorry. You are right you shouldn't need to think of things like that. Your only a hatchling" He picked me up. No please don't leave. If you put me to bed you'll leave. I hugged Hiems. I don't want him to leave yet. Please I'm sorry.

"Shhh, It's alright I'm not upset." A knock sounded and I tensed. it was the first noise in so long that wasn't me or Hiems. Was it really so long ago? Hiems held me in his arms and walked us to the door. Opening it There were two people waiting for us. Both much taller then Me and Hiems. The larger one didn't look happy. I'm sorry. Did I upset you? please don't be upset? How do I fix it? You just got here, Won't you stay longer please? 

"Sorry for the Wait, Ventus here was being stubborn" The shorter of the two said with a smirk. I looked closer. Nix. His name was Nix. I remember him but it felt so long sense I've seen him. Was it really that long? When did I see him last. Ventus scuffed at Nix.

"I told you I didn't agree with this!" Oh... Did he not want to visit the nest? Maybe just visiting made him upset. Maybe If I make my self small he won't be so upset. Then they will all stay.

"Now Brother, Look what you have done. You upset our youngest" Hiems said looking sad. NO! I'm sorry I'm not sad I promise! I'm ok! I'm OK! don't leave! 

"They aren't our any-HMPH!!!" Nix covered his mouth.

"Ventus, Do shut up" Ventus glared at Nix and sighed walking in. His eyes softened at me with a sad look. Did I do that? What can I do to make you feel better? 

"Well, As you can see Hatchling these are our dear brothers. I ask you to forgive Ventus he can be quite temperamental." I think I remember that. I remember Ventus and Nix fighting. Why did they start fighting though? I tried to think back but it made my head hurt. Hiems looked sad and set me on my bed. I was only sitting though. He didn't put me in the middle like most times so that was good right!? 

"Perhaps it was to soon for a visit" I felt my self freeze. no! I was good. I promise I won't do it again! I don't know how he knows but Hiems knows when I get my self worked up! I have to not think about it or he'll leave. Like HE did. Hiems at least had to stay. Please stay! or... take me with you? 

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