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At the end of the day Lilia took my back to Diasomnia. He told me the other HouseWardens would be in the Mirror chamber in an hour or so. Malleus meet us in his room. He was already wearing his Ceremonial robs. I had taken it upon my self after learning Tsunotarou's identity, to invite him to the HouseWarden meetings. I looked at the Robs on the bed. They were mine. Much to large for my now. I scowled at them. This was going to be even more embarrassing. Drowned by my own robs. Tsunotarou put a hand on my head.

"Do you require assistance" I felt my face get hot and shook my head. I most certainly did not! I was Adult damn it! Child body or not! mentally I was still an adult. Lilia chuckled and walked off. I pulled off my pants first to hide the embarrassment of anyone seeing something they shouldn't. I looked at the large pants and glared. maybe If I rolled them up? I slide them on and saw just how big they are. I scowled. IT was fine, I would just have to get back to my regular size and they would fit again. nothing terrible. just had to Focus and- Tsunotarou put a hand on my head behind my horns. I froze.

"Do not even think about it Hatchling, You will only strain your self. Using any magic right now will cause you damage. I suggest you swallow that pride of yours and simply ask for help" I made a face. Never!!! 

"All it takes is one word and I will preform a shrinking spell" If I could cross my arms I would! But Tsunotarou's stupid hand was to close to my horns for me to move. I felt like a scuffed cat. 

"Would you prefer to show up at the Ritual with your Garments baggy on your Younger self?" No...No I would not...w-well I mean...Oh.. FINE!

"p..Please..help" I muttered. Tsunotarou smirked and took out his pen Giving it a slight Flick. The pants Shrank as did the shirt and Robes. I signed and Tsunotarou let go of my head.

"That was not difficult was it? You will have to tell them eventually though. Your Feline companion can not cover for you for long" I knew that... I just hoped..

"They don't have to know... It's not important" I said changing my shirt. Stupid Button!! Tsunotarou knelt down and did the button for me. I blushed.

"Thank you" He nodded and Patted my head.

"Hatchling, As much as you wish to pretend this isn't your true form it is. You must come to terms with this. Being in a glimmer for and extended period of time is harmful." I pulled at the white hair. I wished I could cut it. 

"How do I even explain this?" Tsunotarou blinked and shook his head.

"You tell them the truth. Fae never lie, we with hold yes, Mislead perhaps. But we do not lie" I nodded. Tsunotarou helped me with my robe and clasped the belt before picking me up in his arms. He wasn't short enough to hold me hand with out me being on my tip toes.

"Come along, Lilia will be joining us but that is all. HouseWardens and perhaps a few of the Vice HouseWardens will be in attendance." I made a face.

"Alright..." Tsunotarou walked out and Lilia waited for us at the door. I pulled my hood up but sadly with my horns it was hard to cover my face. My robs weren't custom like Tsunotarou. He looked down and made a face.

"We will have to get them changed out" Lilia said looking at me. I shook my head.

"It's fine. I most likely won't be in Ceremony's often" Lilia looked at me and raised an eye brow.

"You will after today, You are no longer seen as magicless. Though I am sure your Feline companion will still be considered part of you student registry." I made a face at that. I had gotten out of them thus far. As I wasn't magical the only Ceremony I had to attend was Orientation and Certain events. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now