Classes and friends

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Classes went back to normal after that first day. Some people didn't really mess with me much like they did when I had the Human glimmer on. I guess this was because I could do magic like everyone else now. They didn't really have anything TO make fun of me for. The only thing they could would be my appearance and if they did that it would insult Malleus as well. Who they were all afraid of. 

The homework had gotten easier to handle as well. while before I only had Ace or Deuce to help me. Grim being at the same level as I. I now had an upperclassmen who explained things far better. That made it sound like I was Using Tsunotarou to help me all the time but I promise I wasn't. I tried my self until I was at the brink of giving up before asking for an explanations. Sometimes from Tsunotarou sometimes from Lilia. 

I noticed through out the weeks of classes, Tsunotarou had eased up a little on my protection. I had even convinced him to let me go to one of Kalim's parties one weekend. I did have to at least have Grim with me and there were rules I had to hand Jamil who was less then pleased. But I did get to go!

My favorite parties to go to were Riddles Tea parties however. I was worried Tsunotarou would be upset but He assured me It was alright. I even tried to get him to come to. No go sadly. He thought they would not appreciate his sudden appearance. Something I learned in my History classes with Lilia. Fae Royalty had certain customs they needed to follow. One being that any major event one had to get an Invite to by the host. While you could bring a plus one to an event if it is stated so on the invite. That plus one could not be a Royal of higher status. It was considered rude. both to the host and to the Said royal. 

Kinda like saying look at this handsome arm candy I brought. He is so much better then yours And their rich! so HA! I mean I can understand why it would be rude all around. The downside of this is because Malleus is a housewarden he had to be Invited to the meetings. Even if he did know that they were going on. Which he did not because no one bothered to tell him when they happened. Azul had gotten better inviting him but it was few and far in-between. Normally he gives it to me and I give it to Tsunotarou. 

 My favorite class surprisingly started to be Mr. Vargas class. I don't know if it was because I got to be outside or because I was considered Healthy enough to do anything in class now. But I had fun no matter what we did. Even Grim's much complained about running in a circle was fun. It was on one of these days I had my first mini take off. I had been excited and as we were running around I was matching Deuce in pace. I was so happy I felt my wings flutter a little and then my feet were off the ground.

Deuce had been so surprised he had stopped running. I didn't get far from the ground, so my landing while not very graceful at least I could do it. After class I ran to Silver and told him about it. He had blinked at me and told me Tsunotarou would be very happy to hear. And Silver was right. Tsunotarou had been very happy to hear. He had even set a dinner to celebrate. Though he was a little sad to have missed it. I personally think he was upset because my first time in the air he wasn't there and the first time flying He wasn't there. I think that the next time I try I should make sure to be with him. 

Lilia had told us to call Grandmother and tell her as well. To put it mutely she was ecstatic. She not only had me tell her a complete account of what happened to get me off the ground but while on the Mirror made a toast and had Noche drink with her. Noche did not look comfortable during this at all. I almost laughed as she thrust a glass in his hand to toast and he looked at the Mirror for help. To put it bluntly. It was a very long day of Celebrations. After that Tsunotarou stated when we returned to the Valley he would be adding flying lessons to my schedule. 

After that day Tsunotarou said my wings seemed to have reached the length they needed to be and started teaching me how to hide them. I personally didn't like how it felt to bring them in. It felt better to have them out. Less tight. Like wearing a turtle neck 2 times to small. Tsunotarou said after a while it would get better. That my skin was getting used to the bulk of my wings after having them out for so long. 

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