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"I greet the Thorn Prince" I blinked and looked up.

"Tsunotarou!" I smiled big. He pet my head and looked at Noche. Tsunotarou narrowed his eyes at Noche and looked him up and down.

"I see you have made an Acquaintance, Hatchling" I nodded,

"Ya, He is a good person to talk to" Tsnuotarou picked me up.

"I see, Guard what is your name" He said the Guard stood and bowed.

"I am called Noche, your Highness" Tsunotarou nodded.

"My Hatchling seems to have warmed up to you Noche" Noche nodded.

"They are an interesting Young one." I smiled this meant Tsunotarou might like Noche as well. I hope he did Noche was nice. I looked around and Silver gave me a nod. Sebek however was in the middle of a battle. 

"yes they are, They also have a tendency to over exert themselves" Tsunotarou said putting ah and on my head. I blushed and gave a small pout.

"I-I do not" Tsunotarou raised an eye brow at me.

"You don't do you, I distinctly remember a multitude of opportunities in which you caused yourself to collapse" I blushed worse, Oh sure tell the world! Noche smirked crossing his arms.

"Your Highness, You have quite the Trouble making Hatchling" Tsunotarou nodded with a smirk. They were both teasing me weren't they? 

"Yes sad but true.  However this means they will have to be watched closely. They have also attempted to skip their means on a number of occasions." Noche nodded.

"I understand, Your Highness" Tsunotarou nodded.

"Speaking of which. We must head inside. It is time for lunch" I gave a little pout but waved at Noche as we headed inside. Lunch was simply to day but that was alright. After having mostly meat these past few weeks a simply sandwich was appreciated.  Afterwards Tsunotarou walked me to the hatchling grounds by the lake. I saw a few Faeries flying around the water and smiled. They looked so pretty and Graceful flying around. the water wasn't frozen thankfully though I wouldn't want to get in right now. I could see some small fish swimming around. 

"How do you like Noche?" Tsuntoarou asked as we walked. I shrugged.

"He is ok, I don't know him very well but he was fun to talk to" Tsunotarou nodded holding my hand.

"I was rather surprised to see you near him of all the guards" I blinked at that and looked up at Tsunotarou. he had a far off look in his eyes.

"Why is that?" Tsunotarou looked down at me.

"Because most do not wish to go near him." I made a face.

"Well, No one would go near you either, And yet here we are" I joked. Tsunotarou blinked then chuckled nodding.

"That is a fair argument, Was there something that drew you in?" I thought for a moment.

"Calm... He felt calm like Silver does... and He kept his eyes closed till I said hello, He folded his legs so it would be harder for him to get up. and stayed on the ground while we talked the whole time" Tsunotarou nodded.

"He reminded you of someone safe then" I shrugged

"Yes and no...Silver is safe but like like Tsunotarou is safe" he blinked down at me.

"Oh?" I nodded and watched the fish swim around. Some had little guppies right now. It was cute watching them.

"Tsunotarou is safe in the way that... I feel my shoulders can untense when I'm with you. It feels warm and welcoming, but I don't have to pretend I'm ok. Silvers safe is more of a I know he will keep me safe, but I still feel on guard around him for some reason. I know he won't hurt me but I still can't get my self to relax fully" Tsunotarou nodded looking around us.

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now