Volo X Reader [ SPOILERS]

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To all my Volo simps, I formally apologise but this oneshot will contain MASSIVE SPOILERS for Legends Arceus, post game!
You have been warned.

Anyway - This oneshot was requested by Nintendofanchild
Hope you enjoy!

"Strange events seem to follow you wherever you go, don't they?" You whipped your head around to the source of the familiar voice. There behind you stood a tall man with blonde hair that covered one of his two grey eyes, "Found you at last, Y/N!"

You couldn't recognise the man any quicker, "Volo!" You called out his name as you ran into his arms that were already wide open for you.

The blonde man was surprised at how quick you were to embrace him but he could never be bothered by it, "I've been looking all over for you, you know! What would I do if I were to lose one of my favourite–"

His voice cut itself off once he heard you sob, "Volo, I just... I-I don't know what to do right now... Everything's going wrong, I just... I..."

He gently shushed you, even softly stoking your head to help you calm down, "Don't worry, I've already heard what happened. Just breathe and let it out."

His words instantly soothed you as you quietly cried into his shoulder. You felt utterly hopeless, like the entire world had turned its back on you.

"I can't believe how poorly everyone's been treating you. The Diamond Clan won't take you in and neither will the Pearl Clan, needless to say how awful the Galaxy team have been." He felt your head nod by his shoulder, "But not to worry, I know a spot that will be the perfect hideaway. Leave it all up to me!"

He showed you so much love and care on that day and the ones that followed after. That's why you couldn't possibly believe what was happening. You had just defeated Volo in battle, it was extremely close but you had just barely won. The silence was deafening as the sun began to set on the horizon.

After a few seconds, he started giggling, then giggling turned to a crazed laughter, "Why?" He mumbled before raising his voice, "Why you?! It's almost as if you were spat from that rift just to get in my way!"

You flinched from his sudden yelling, "Volo, please, this isn't you!" At this point, tears were threatening to spill from your eyes, "Can't you hear yourself?! Please Volo, just stop all of this!"

He laughed at your words, "Stop this? This is everything I've worked for! I've come so far, I won't let it all be for nothing!"

You couldn't hold your tears anymore as they began to leak out, trickling down your face. He's changed, or was everything up until this point just a lie? Did he ever even care about you, or was he just using you to get what he wanted? "No..." You thought, wanting to speak yet you couldn't get your voice out, "He... He's still in there, he has to be." Tears were streaming down your face, "Even if it's a shred of who he was when I met him, he has to be in there."

Your eyes locked onto Volo's grey ones, his lips curled into a sick yet oddly comforting smile, "Although, I'm so thankful that you were the one to help me, Y/N."

That's when the realisation hit you like a truck, nevermind a truck, it hit you like a train. Not only had you enabled him, you had helped him reach this point. You had fallen so hopelessly in love with him that you didn't care to think otherwise. Even when he was giggling to himself at the ruins, you only saw a man excited to reach his lifelong dream. Was this all your fault? Every part of you wanted to run but if you did, Volo would proceed to have everything destroyed if there was nothing to stop him, "Volo... Please, you can't do this..." Your voice began to break up from the overwhelming amount of tears that flooded your eyes, "All that time we spent together, did it mean nothing to you?!"

Volo's eyes widened slightly as another crazed yet loving smile spread across his lips, "Don't be ridiculous, Y/N, it meant everything to me!" His words caught you off guard, "That's why I'm asking you to join me! When this world is erased, nothing will remain except for us! I'll make sure of it!" He stepped towards you as you began to back away. He took notice of this and quickly grabbed your hands, interlocking his fingers with yours, "Y/N, trust me! Nothing will go wrong, it'll be just the two of us! I promise, everything will be perfect!"

You could only stare into his lovingly crazed eyes in shock, "What?! No! You're asking me to leave everything behind to die! I can't do that, Volo! Don't you hear yourself?! This is insane!"

The lovingly look in his eyes seemed to completely disappear, "Y/N..." His grip on your hands tightened, enough to spark pain into you, "I don't remember telling you that you had a choice." His voice became sinister as he laughed maniacally.

You acted on your instincts and drove your knee harshly into his stomach, pushing him back. His grip loosened enough for you to tear yourself out of his hold, "You've gone insane, Volo." You told him, "You're not the man I fell in love with anymore."

Suddenly, your ears filled with a terrifying screech that sounded like that of a Pokémon. The ground beneath you began to shake as a dark void appeared behind Volo. He began to laugh psychotically, "Just like everything, you leave me in complete despair as well!"

Just then, two ash black wings escaped from the void behind him. Seconds later,  a gigantic Pokémon emerged, towering over you and Volo. It stood on six legs as it let out a bloodcurdling cry. You held your poké ball behind you, preparing to send it out against whatever that thing was. Volo stretched his arms out, "Giratina! Strike them down!"

Your eyes met the blood red one's of Giratina for a second before focusing on Volo. Despite the tears that were pouring from his eyes, he began to laugh again, as if the tears weren't even there to begin with, "Volo!" You screamed out his name in a final attempt to slap some sense into him but nothing would work, he was too far gone to be saved. Despite everything, you still loved him, you still wanted him by your side, but you wanted Volo, not whatever he had turned into.

Giratina let out another horrifying cry before charging at you. You reacted quickly and sent out your Pokémon, "Why Volo... Why?"

You defeated it. You finally defeated Giratina. It had taken hours, as the sun was already beginning to rise again. It had transformed once you thought you had defeated it, into a much more terrifying being. After defeating it once more in its new form, it let out another cry, returning to the shadowy realm it once escaped. You stood in silence as Volo screamed out his frustration and sorrow to the sky, as if Arceus was there to listen. After a few minutes, the blonde man took a deep breath before turning his body to face you.

He was about to speak but was surprised when you ran towards him, embracing him tightly as you buried your head into his shoulder, "Please... Can't we just go back to when everything was alright? We can act like this never happened, Volo, please." You lifted your head, locking eyes with him, "I still love you."

Those words pierced him through the heart as he slowly wrapped his arms around you, "I..." He soon noticed how his eyes were still leaking with tears, "Despite everything? You still..."

He fell silent, unable to force any of the words out of him. You lifted a hand and held his head in it, wiping the tears that ran from his eyes. No words needed to be said as you leaned in, pressing your lips against his. His arms around you tightened, this time it was enough so you'd still be comfortable.

Neither of you wanted to pull away, but he ended the kiss earlier than it should have, "I don't deserve you. I could've killed you back there, yet you still love me..." He took your hands and brought them back down to hang by your sides, "I'm sorry." He held your head by your chin as he leaned in, softly kissing you one final time. You were too tired to move, exhausted for how long the battle went on for.

As he pulled away, he let go of you and stepped down the stairs of the temple, leaving you there as you stared off into the distance. You turned around, "Volo...?" Unfortunately, he was no where to be seen. You quickly understood that you wouldn't see him again for a while, or ever again for that matter.

Word count: 1524

To the lovely person that requested this, Nintendofanchild
I hope you don't mind but I took some inspiration from your oneshot of Volo, as you probably noticed!
To any other readers reading this, I hope you enjoyed it too! Don't be shy to request your favourite character to me next!
I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe!

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