Silver x Reader - Birthday 🎉

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It's Silver's birthday today so I'm writing a oneshot for him! It's such a crime that I've only written a singular oneshot for him, so here's another one!
Question of the oneshot! What was your first Pokémon game? Mine was Pokémon Moon, it's probably one of my favourite Pokémon games!
Also, you have a Dragonite in this oneshot because I make the rules and I love Dragonite.
Anyway! Onto the oneshot!

Snow fluttered down from the cloudy sky, layering on the already fairly thick sheet of powdery white. You walked through Blackthorn City, making your way to Dragon's Den, in hopes of finding a certain red-head in there.

To no surprise, that certain red-head was inside the den, training his Pokémon like usual, "Hey Silv!" You called out to him, waving once he turned to you.

Once his eyes met yours, a smile spread across his face, "Hey Y/N." He greeted you, "What're you doing here?"

"Looking for you! I was wondering where my boyfriend was on his birthday!" You told him, mover closer as you wrapped your arms around him, "So, now that I've found you, happy birthday Silv!" You told him, the nickname you used for him always seemed to make him smile.

"Thanks Y/N." He thanked you, slowly placing his arms around you. He was always a little awkward with the affection you gave him, but he was slowly getting used to it. You could hear his Sneasel giggling at the two of you, only for Silver to return it to its Poké Ball, slightly embarrassed while you chuckled.

"Come on, it's your birthday, let's go celebrate!" You told him, tugging him by the arm as you began to drag him out of the den.


"Nope! You're always in there training, you deserve a break!" You told him, moving your hand down as you took his hand in yours, "I barely see you taking a break, it makes me worry."

"Oh..." He mumbled, "Sorry."

You gave him a soft smile, "Aww, don't worry about it." You told him, squeezing his hand a bit as you continued to walk with him, "So, what do you wanna do for your birthday?"

"Y/N, we really don't need to celebrate." He told you. He had never celebrated it himself, neither did he have anyone to celebrate with over the years. Until now, of course, he had you.

"Yes we do." You told him, "I love you and I wanna make sure you have a good birthday."

Somehow, he always got a little surprised whenever you told him that you loved him, he still wasn't quite used to hearing it. Even though he knew you loved him, he seemed to doubt it sometimes, but now he knew it was true, "I love you too Y/N." He told you, smiling softly as a light blush dusted his cheeks.

You turned around to him, smiling brightly as you quickly pecked his lips, catching him completely off guard as his face burned nearly as red as his hair. You giggled once you noticed how much he was blushing, "Love you more, Silv." With that said, you dragged him with you out of Dragon's Den, "Alright, c'mon! I'm gonna make sure this is the best birthday you've ever had!" You told him, pulling him in for a quick kiss before dragging him by the hand out of Blackthorn City, "So, what do you wanna do first? I know there was this fair going on in Olivine City for the holidays, maybe we could go do that?" You suggested, honestly wanting to go so you could get another present for his birthday, you really wanted to make this day special for him.

He smiled, "Yeah, that sounds nice."

You nodded, letting out your Dragonite to fly over to Goldenrod City. The moment he came out of his Poké Ball, he immediately decided to hug Silver. You laughed as you watched the giant dragon nearly toppled him over in a hug, "I think he missed you."

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