Avery x Reader - Stubborn

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Requested by @Mysticspiritfox
I'm sorry that this took a while to get to, I've been pretty sick for the past week and exams have been super stressful! I'm still a bit sick but I'm feeling a lot better, and most of our stressful exams are out of the way now!
Question of the oneshot! What's your favourite weather? We had a few thunderstorms about a week or so ago and they're really cool to watch! Either that or rain is my favourite!

Anyway, onto the oneshot! Hope you enjoy!

(F/S) - Favourite song
(F/P) - Favourite Pokémon

The sun shone warmly over the Isle of Armor, hardly any clouds floating by in the blue sky above. You were currently walking around the forest, playing your favourite song for you and your Pokémon. There were even some small Pokémon that joined you, such as Tangela, Foongus, Venipede and Formantis. They seemed to like the songs you were playing so you didn't mind having them tag along as you walked through the forest.

While you were having your own little music festival out in the forest, Avery looked around for you, having no clue where you had gone. He looked through the dojo, checking every room and even the battle grounds outside, "Not here..." He mumbled, heading out to the front to check around outside. He walked out to the beach near the station, still unable to find you. You could've also been out at sea, battling the Sharpedo that chased after everyone. He wanted to find you, but he was not going with that option, Sharpedo's dark typing was not something he wanted to deal with, "Where is that idiot..." He wondered, turning back to search the Wetlands next.

Some of the Wooper and Quagsire payed him no mind, while some of the Skorupi wanted to chase after him, although they weren't quicker than his usual walking pace. With still no sign of you, he decided to look through the forest. The forest was always a pleasant place, so his best guess was that you were there, doing whatever you were doing. As he searched through the forest, he could hear some music coming from a little deeper within the forest. Trying to navigate through, he eventually reached you.

Completely unaware that he had been searching for you, you were walking around with a little line of Pokémon behind you, all singing along to your songs in their own language. You were singing along quietly, having fun with all the cute little Pokémon that followed you, as well as your own Pokémon singing along with you.

"They... actually have a nice voice..." He thought, never having heard you sing before, even if he could hardly hear it. It took him a second to realise that he was just staring at you with a smile. Forcing himself to stop, he pulled himself off of the tree he was leaning against before walking over to you, accidentally scaring off all the small Pokémon.

You didn't even notice though, you just kept singing along with your partner Pokémon, (F/P) without a care in the world. That was until you felt a tap on your shoulder, scaring you more than it should have. You calmed down once you realised it was Avery, who was now standing there with his arms crossed, "Oh, hey Avery." You greeted him with a smile. Glancing around the ground for a moment, you realised how all the Pokémon had run off back into the tall grass, hiding, "I think you scared them a bit."

He let out a sigh, "Y/N, could you at least tell someone where you're going next time? I've been looking all over for you."

You tilted your head, confused, "I didn't think I needed to say that I was leaving, Honey always told me not to worry about it." You tell him, "Honestly thought you'd be the last person to get mad at me for running off."

He rolled his eyes, pushing up his glasses, "Well, You were meant to come by for another battle today." He told you. Even though the two of you had never actually agreed on a schedule for battles, you would usually stop by once a week or so, battling him with different teams to help him train.

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