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Hi, hello, uhhh... I realise it's been a while.

I really should've left like, a little thing saying I'd probably be gone for a while, but uh I forgot.

Honestly, the only reason I haven't been writing this is because of school, and while I did finish my exams a few weeks ago, I just haven't had the energy to write. Now that I'm done with my school stuff, I should be able to get back into writing! I'm really sorry to everyone who's been waiting months to get their oneshots finished, but I should be able to finish them up somewhat soon!

I uh, really don't know what else to say so yeah. The oneshots may be shorter than usual, but to be honest most of my oneshots are like two thousand words long, so I don't think it'll be that bad in comparison, but just so you guys know!

Anyway, I don't have anything else to say now, so I hope you all stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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