N x Reader - My Dear

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This oneshot was requested by Darkrose2305
I hope this was close to what you wanted because I've never played B&W so I don't know his character at all but I did do a bit of reading up on him so I had somewhat of an idea!
Question of the oneshot! What's your favourite comfort song? Mine is currently Build A Bear by Maggie Brewer! Nice beat, nice lyrics, nice voice, love it.
Now! Onto the oneshot!

How did you get here? Your original plans for the day consisted of spending your entire day building up your team a bit more so it could be the best (like no one ever was). Yet, those plans had been thrown out the window.

You had just finished your battle with the random kid who thought it would've been a good idea to challenge you, clearly it wasn't. As well as completely wiping the kid's team out, you had also wiped out his confidence. At least he didn't run off crying, that usually ends up getting you into unwanted trouble.

You gave a nervous smile to the kid, "Sorry kid..." You felt the need to apologise as the young trainer ran off. Like usual, you congratulated your Pokémon for the short battle, although they seemed happy to have an easy battle after all the training.

As you returned your Pokémon to their Poké balls, you turned around... Only to bump into something, "I was wondering whether you'd notice that I was standing here or not." The voice said with a soft laugh.

Looking to the source of the calm voice, your eyes met the grey ones of your friend, N. It didn't take long until your face felt quite a bit warmer. Taking a small step back, you smiled at him, hoping your nervousness wouldn't show, "Oh! N, hey! I um..." Well, mission failed, your nervousness was indeed showing.

Unluckily for you, he did take notice of your behaviour, "Ah, sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to scare you."

You shook your head, "It's alright." You reassured him, "What are you doing here anyway? Did you need me for something?"

His lips curved into a smile as he nodded his head, "Yes, actually. I was hoping you would come with me for a moment." Tilting your head, you were about to ask before he answered for you, "No asking, it's a surprise!"

His excitement seemed rather out of character but you didn't mind, you loved to see his smile anyway, "I'm a little confused, but sure, lead the way." The two of you had been friends for a while so it wasn't out of the ordinary for you to place your complete trust in him, especially with the specific friendship you both had.

"Perfect!" Suddenly, your hand was in his as he pulled you behind him, a soft smile plastered on his face, never failing to make your heart melt.

And that's how you got here. The second you arrived at Nimbassa City (I think that's the right place...), N pulled you straight to the Ferris wheel, "I'll take a wild guess and say this is the surprise?" You asked with a smile. With how long the two of you had been friends for, you knew just how much he loved Ferris wheels.

He turned back to meet your eyes, nodding his head, "Your guess is right!" He said with a smile as he continued to drag you towards it, "I've noticed how much you've been training lately, I thought that taking you here would be a good way for you to take a break. It wouldn't be good if you ended up burning yourself out." (You hear that reader? Take care of yourself. I love you 💛)

The more you thought about it, the more you realised how long it'd been since you took and actual break from training. You let out a sigh, "You're right. Thank you, N."

"You don't have to thank me, Y/N. I just want to make sure you're okay." That smile of his was really making your heart go crazy, if only he knew how much he effected you.

After you both payed for the ride, you stepped inside one of the Ferris wheel's carriages. You both realised that you were holding hands once you parted to sit on opposite sides of the carriage. As the carriage slowly began to lift up after a few minutes, your eyes fixated on the sky. The sun was only just barely touching the horizon as it began to set, the edges of the clouds starting to turn light shades of orange. N sat there with a calm smile, watching how mesmerised you were by the beginning of the sunset, "It's amazing, isn't it?"

You snapped out of your trance of the beautiful sky once you heard an equally as beautiful voice speak out, gazing into his eyes for a moment, "It is..." You let out a content sigh, "Thank you for bringing me here, N. I didn't realise how much I needed this."

"Thank you for being here, Y/N." He smiled calmly as he gazed at the warm colours in the sky, "I didn't realise how much I needed you." The moment your brain picked up on his words, you heart skipped a beat. You tried to respond, however all that came out was quiet stutters. He chuckled as a warm blush covered his cheeks, "Y/N, I also realise that I haven't been completely honest with you..."

Upon hearing his words, your eyes met his once again, "Wh-What do you mean?"

His smile faltered slightly as his tone became more serious, "While yes, I did want to bring you here to take a break from everything, but there's another reason." He paused, the light of the sun reflecting in his grey eyes, "Y/N... You've helped me through so much, and I can't possibly find a way to thank you for that."

Your blush only increased, "I-It's okay, N." Trying not to cringe at your stuttering, you smiled warmly at him.

The smile he had before returned, his eyes turning to gaze back out the window. There were many times he would just stare out at the world in silent thought. It made you wonder, what would he think of?

Out of nowhere, he took your hand in his, catching your attention rather quickly, "One more thing, Y/N..." You nodded, waiting for him to continue. His eyes averted from yours and down at your hand, gently running his thumb over your skin, "You've made me understand what it feels like to truly be loved... I only hope that I can make you feel the same."

Within seconds, your face felt much warmer, your fingers twitched slightly in his hand and you found yourself unable to meet his eyes as you lost the ability to speak properly. The only comprehensible words that came from your mouth were softly spoken, "I love you."

His grey eyes widened as blush crept onto his cheeks. His grip on your hand slowly loosened as he looked down, his eyes hiding behind the brim of his hat, "Really?" He questioned, his voice sounding sad but still hopeful at the same time.

You slipped your hand back into his, holding it tightly, "Really." You responded, his head lifting back up to lock eyes with you once again.

"I..." He let out a sigh of relief, adjusting the hat on his head, "Honestly, I don't have words." He laughed nervously as he shuffled closer to the edge of his seat, pulling your hand up as he planted a kiss on your knuckles, causing your face to burn with blush, "I love you too, Y/N."

Before you could get another word in, he used his free hand to cup your cheek as your eyes locked onto each other's, making you fall silent yet again. His eyes seemed a little brighter than usual, a little but it was a nice difference, "Every part of you has me completely captivated, my dear."

And just like that, your heart melted in an instant. You noticed how his eyes lingered on to your lips for a while before you began to lean in, literally sitting on the edge of your seat. Upon realising how close you were, his face flushed red but he didn't move away. Instead, he slowly leaned in, pausing just before his lips met yours. You gently squeezed his hand, noticing how his face turned slightly redder. After a moment, he leaned in further, finally allowing his lips to touch yours. The hand that held your face moved further back as he ran a hand through your hair.

After a few more seconds, he pulled away, blushing madly. Any more affection and you both might've had a heart attack. He smiled, taking his hat off and plopping it onto your head, the brim accidentally covering your eyes. You lifted it up a bit so you could see him properly and dear Arceus did your heart stop for a moment. His eyes were definitely brighter as he grinned, "Thank you, my dear. For everything."

Word count: 1453

I hope you all enjoyed this oneshot! Sorry if it wasn't exactly in character for N, I haven't played B&W like I said at the start of the oneshot.

Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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