More info about the oneshots!

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Hello hello, dear reader!

As you probably would've guessed from how I haven't updated this in a while, I've been going through a pretty rough writer's block. That along with school stuff, I've got a music performance coming up in a few weeks so I've been really focused on that. And of course, just doing things that I wanna do.

I haven't gotten any requests lately so when I have motivation to write, it'll probably just be for characters I like, such as the subway twins, some of the rivals and other characters that I don't think get enough love. Although, don't be shy to drop any requests in the comments!

I'd also like to thank everyone for all the love this book has gotten! It's been really fun writing these and I don't plan to stop any time soon either. I'll try to get around to writing when my motivation comes back!

Stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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