Emmet x reader - Missing

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I would like to apologise for the last oneshot being quite sad and I would like to apologise again because this one is sadder.
Question of the oneshot! Since I've done three gen 5 boys in a row, who's your favourite Pokémon from gen 5? I have a lot of favourites but I'd have to say Chandelure. I love my ghosties.

All aboard the depression train!

One late night, you had woken up to the sound of your phone ringing, "What the..." You mumbled as you slowly pushed yourself to sit upright in your bed. Picking up your phone from the bedside table, you looked to see who in their right mind was calling so late at night, before the brightness of the phone screen momentarily blinded you. After giving your eyes a second to get used to the light, you read the name of who was calling.


You could already feel the anxiety welling up inside of you, "He's never called this late before..." You thought as you hesitantly pressed the button to answer the call. For some reason, you had such a terrible feeling about this.

The moment he heard the ringing stop, he started talking before you could, "Y/N, I know it's late. I'm very sorry for that but I really need you to get here."

He spoke so quickly you could barely understand it, especially with the fact you had just woken up, "Emmet, it's–"

"Yes, I know it's late, I'm sorry, but please get here." His voice sounded extremely shaky while he spoke, "I-It's about Ingo. I..." He paused, taking a breath after talking so quickly, "I can't find him anywhere."

Your heart dropped to your stomach in an instant, "Wh...What do you mean you can't find him...?"

"I've looked everywhere." He took another deep breath as he tried to think, "Please, Y/N. Just get here. I'm scared, I'm worried, I–"

You had already shot out of bed while he was talking, "It's okay, it'll be okay. I'm heading over there right now, you're at the subway right?" You asked to double check.

He nodded, "Yes, okay, thank you. Again, I'm sorry, very sorry, I realise how late it is but I–"

"Please, don't apologise. It's fine, I'll get there immediately." You told him as he thanked you one more time before ending the call.

Barely five minutes later, you had gotten changed and thrown on your shoes before rushing out of the door, bringing your flying Pokémon to get there as fast as possible, "What the actual hell is going on?" You thought as your Pokémon soared through the sky while you tightly held on. Words couldn't describe how badly you wished that Emmet was wrong and Ingo was just, for some reason, somewhere Emmet hadn't checked yet. Unfortunately, that wish just couldn't come true.

The moment you got to the Battle Subway, you rushed inside and called out for him, "Emmet! It's Y/N, I'm here!" Your voice faintly echoed through the building.

Seconds later, rapid footsteps could be heard as you saw him running over. His eyes were panicked and welling up with tears, the smile he usually wore had completely disappeared. Before you could get a single word out, he instantly crashed into you, wrapping his arms around you tightly as his head buried into your shoulder, "Y/N, I-I don't know what happened. I've looked everywhere and I can't find him! I don't know what to do– what am I meant to do? My brother's just disappeared without a trace and–"

You gently shushed him as you rubbed his back, "Hey, slow down, it'll be okay." Your brain ached as you tried to make sense of it all, "Tell me everything that happened."

He pulled his head back up as he wiped his eyes, "I-I don't know, he's j-just... Gone." He took off his hat as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to breathe but was slowly beginning to hyperventilate.

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