Clair x Reader - Care

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Hello again, dear readers! It's time for another oneshot! I do love the dragon users in Pokémon so I'm pretty glad I'm writing for Clair! She's probably my favourite female gym leader in Johto! Male favourite is Morty.
Question of the oneshot! Favourite gen 2 Pokémon? Wooper, Ampharos and Umbreon are pretty easy wins for me!
This oneshot was requested by MaeMaeMaeMaeee
Hope you enjoy!

You threw yourself down onto your bed the moment you got home, your day had been awful. The majority of your body refused to move, you were too exhausted from the chaos and frustration you had to deal with throughout the very long day.

That's when your phone's ringtone started playing from your pocket. You let out a groan as you pulled it out, ready to tell whoever it was to screw off. That was until you noticed that it was your friend, Clair, calling you. You immediately answered it, bringing your phone up to your ear and hearing her voice come through, "Hey Y/N!" She greeted you, cheerfully.

"Hey Clair." You greeted her, sounding less cheerful but you were still happy to talk with her.

"Are you alright?" She asked upon hearing your tone, "You sound tired..."

You bummed in response, "Yeah, I just had a rough day..." You told her, "Could we have another battle? Those usually cheer me up a bit."

She instantly agreed, "Of course, I'll meet you in the Saffron City dojo, like usual!"

The thought of getting to battle her again put a smile on your face, "Yeah, I'll see you there. Thanks."

"No problem at all, I'm looking forward to it!" And with that, the call ended. You pulled yourself up from your bed, feeling better after arranging something with Clair. Since she was a gym leader, and the strongest one at that, the two of you rarely had time to hang out. It hurt even more than usual since your feelings towards her had shifted into something that went beyond friendship. You weren't dumb, you knew you were in love with her, but just how were you meant to tell her that? Therefore, you felt as though it was better to just hide how you truly felt, it would go away eventually, right?

Well, spoiler alert, it didn't. Your feelings for her continued to plague your mind for months. You just had to keep hiding it though, it would be just like any other day.

It didn't take long until you reached Saffron City, your flying Pokémon was great at getting you anywhere quickly. Flying through the sky was always a nice feeling.

Once you arrive at Saffron City, you return your Pokémon to its ball, making your way towards the dojo that sat next to the psychic type gym. The dojo was very empty once you entered, most of the people who trained there had probably already packed up and gone home. A smile was forced onto your face once you saw Clair, "Hey, sorry to keep you waiting." You waved to her as you stepped in through the door.

She smiled once she saw you, "Don't worry about it, I wasn't here for too long." She told you, pulling out a Poké Ball, "Ready to battle?"

You nodded, "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't ready!" With that said, you both released your Pokémon from their Poké Balls, beginning the battle.

It lasted as long as most of your battles did, although you barely won. Clair seemed to notice your strange behaviour, "Are you sure you're alright?" She asked, her arms folded over her chest as her head tilted slightly.

You let out a sigh, "Not really..." You answered, "Life's been pretty annoying lately." You told her with a chuckle, hoping that would distract her from your low mood.

She only frowns though, somehow always being able to tell when your not your usual self, "Do you want to go to Dragon's Den?"

You smiled, the two of you always went there whenever one or both of you were having a rough time, it made you realise how you hadn't been there in a while, "Yeah, I think that'll help clear my mind a bit..."

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