Steven Stone x Reader - Perfect Timing

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Hey hey! Back at it with another oneshot! Now that my exams are over, I should be able to get back to a somewhat regular posting schedule!
This oneshot was requested by
Question of the oneshot! Since this oneshot focuses on the topic, what's your favourite mega evolution? Some of my favourites are Altaria and Absol! They were already cool Pokémon and the megas only made them cooler!
Anyway! Hope you enjoy the oneshot!

F/R - Favourite Region (for this oneshot to make sense, avoid using Hoenn or Kalos for this)

After arriving in Hoenn, you had been more focused on your work than you had ever been. You were a Pokémon researcher from F/R, and you had been researching mega evolution. You had spent a short amount of time in Kalos, that's where the region's professor gave you your Keystone, which you had hooked onto a chain to make a pendant, that way it was easier to keep on person.
(Something like this)

However you had moved to Hoenn for the time being after hearing how mega evolution had been sighted there

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However you had moved to Hoenn for the time being after hearing how mega evolution had been sighted there. You didn't mind since your stay at Kalos was only meant to last a week before you went out to learn for yourself, you often did your research that way.

Your team before moving to Hoenn was fairly simple, especially since you were a researcher, not a trainer. You had caught an Altaria, Absol and Sableye. Those three had interested you since they were some of the Pokémon in Hoenn which were capable of mega evolution. Just in case you found any mega stones for your team, you always kept some small locket-like pendants for them that could hold their mega stones.

While working with Professor Birch for your time in Hoenn, you had found a few mega stones, if only you knew which Pokémon they belonged to. A mega stone is needed when activating mega evolution, as well as a Key Stone, which you had. You had tried each mega stone you had found in Hoenn with the Pokémon you had on your research team but nothing happened.

"Aww... None of them worked..." You gloomed over yet another fail at trying to get your Sableye to mega evolve. You had been finding mega stones over the region, yet none of them worked, although you hadn't tried any of them on Altaria or Absol yet, it took up a lot of time trying everything with Sableye.

"Don't give your hopes up, Y/N!" Professor Birch reminded you, hoping to keep you thinking positively about your work.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll get it eventually!" May added in, her friend Brendan sitting with her by a table.

"Thanks, you guys." You let out a sigh as you stand up from your desk, "Although, I feel like I need a break."

"I don't blame you." The professor told you, "You deserve it, you've been working nonstop lately."

The two kids chimed in with their own words, making you smile, "Yeah, I think I'll go out for a walk, it'd be great to get some fresh air." You grabbed your coat and bag off of the chair you were sat in, "Might come across some more mega stones too..." You mumbled, mostly talking to yourself.

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