May x Reader - Teamwork makes the dream work!

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This oneshot was requested by @Sessylu75
Question of the oneshot! Top favourite gen 3 Pokémon? Flygon is really cool but I gotta say Sableye, cool little gem gremlin.
Anyway! Onto the oneshot!

"A doubles contest, huh..." You mumbled, waiting in the contest hall for the announcement to begin. You were a coordinator, you and your Pokémon would often perform an amazing show that would blow the competition away. The upcoming contest was a little different than usual, you would be paired up with another coordinator to perform in front of the judges. It was like a double battle but, you know, with contests. All coordinators were told to stop by the contest hall to be told who their partners were, that's why you were here.

While you were thinking about how you'd work with whoever your partner and their Pokémon was, the sound of the doors opening ripped you away from your thoughts, noticing a girl by the entrance. It was your rival, May. She was walking in with her Mudkip, looking around as if she wasn't sure where to go. You walked over to her, "Well, hello rival." You greeted her, seeming to startle her since you appeared so suddenly.

You laughed at her reaction while she let out a huff, crossing her arms, "I just knew you'd be here, Y/N! And stop calling me 'rival', I have a name you know, it's May."

You shrugged, "Okay, rival." It was easy to tell how much calling her that seemed to irritate her.

"Ah, whatever..." She let out a sigh, already tired from talking to you, "Well anyway, when's the announcement starting?"

"Just a few minutes." You stuffed your hands into your pockets, "No matter who I get paired up with, I'll still wipe you out of the competition."

She seemed to smile a bit, "No way! Me and my partner are gonna blow you away!"

"So you admit you need help from another coordinator to beat me, huh?" You laughed while she repeatedly denied your teasing.

A few minutes passed and the announcement was beginning. Before entering the auditorium, you tugged on May's sleeve to grab her attention, "You're gonna wanna hope you get a good partner if you can even think about beating me."

Her eyes seemed more determined than the last few times you'd seen her in a contest, "Why? So you don't have to admit that I'm better than you on my own?" She winked at you before turning to walk into the auditorium. You chuckled before following everyone else inside.

The judges were up on stage, announcing who would be paired up with who. Many random names that you had never even heard were called out. Eventually, they got to your name, "Y/N, you'll be paired up with... May!"

"Wait– What?!" You and May exclaimed at the same time. The two of you were rivals! You couldn't possibly have been paired up with each other! Everyone was aware of the rivalry the two of you had so why on Earth were you getting paired together? There were even a few whispers of disbelief.

After everyone else's partners were announced, you and May left the auditorium along with everyone else, "So, all that trash-talk and now we have to work together?" May could be heard mumbling, "Unbelievable!"

You crossed your arms, "Well, what are we gonna do?" Her head turned to face you, tilting slightly in confusion. You groaned, "Our performance. What are we gonna do for our performance?"

She groaned as well, "I don't know! Maybe–" That's when she paused, "What Pokémon are you using for the performance? I usually do it with Mudkip but yours changes every single time."

You shrugged, "It's a surprise. You'll see it when we practice."

"Ugh, you're so annoying." She sighed, "Fine, I guess we have no choice. We're gonna have to work together. Otherwise, both of us are going to fail." She looked up at the sky once you walked outside with her, "It's getting late, stop by my house tomorrow and we'll start practicing then!"

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