Volo x Reader - Just the two of us - SPOILERS

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Hello hello!
This oneshot was requested by
This one was rather hard to plan out but I hope it's close to what you wanted!
Question of the oneshot! Out of all the Hisuian forms we got, which one was your favourite? I really love Hisuian Decidueye! It was already my favourite starter so the fact that we got a regional form was so cool!
Anyway! Onto the oneshot!

As his last Pokémon fell, you let out an exhausted sigh. This battle had been going on for the entire day, the majority of your Pokémon were fainted, those who weren't were on incredibly low health, "It's over, Volo." You told him with a sharp glare.

He only laughed, "It's far from being over, my dear." That's when a black portal appeared behind him. The sickest smile spread across his face as he laughed, a dark shadowy being emerging from the abyss. Moments later, the renegade Pokémon loomed over the two of you, "Giratina! Strike them down!" Volo growled as the Pokémon instantly rushed at you.

This was bad. You only had two Pokémon remaining on your team, you had run out of max revives to make things worse. Your hope to win against Volo was starting to disappear, but if you didn't win, he would destroy everything. You had to defeat him.

A few moments later, your Pokémon fainted, beginning to fall over before you returned it to its Poké ball. You sent out your final Pokémon, silently praying you could defeat Giratina.

As Giratina launched another attack, your final Pokémon fell. You thought you could do it, you thought you could stop him, you thought you could win. You thought wrong. Your heart sunk as you fell to your knees, it couldn't end like this, it just couldn't. Everything was going to be destroyed, and it was your fault. While you were in the midst of your despair, Volo stepped closer to you, suddenly pulling you up by your wrists, his smile making your stomach feel sick. "Don't worry, my dear Y/N. Everything will be perfect, I'll make sure of it!"

You pushed him away, taking a few steps back, "You... You're insane. I'd rather die than be anyway near you."

His sickening smile started to fade after hearing your words, "Oh, Y/N..." He continued to step towards you until you couldn't move any further back, "You don't exactly have a choice, my dear." He wrapped his arms around you, tightly keeping you close while you tried to squirm your way out. He turned to Giratina with crazed eyes, "Apart from me and dear Y/N..." He started speaking until you started screaming.

"Volo, please!" You tried to kick him to loosen his grip on you, "Please, don't do this! Think about what you're doing, please! I'm begging you!" You pleaded, hoping your words would change his mind somehow.

His grip on you only tightened further, "As I way saying." He continued, a slight growl in his voice, "Apart from me and Y/N–" You screamed out again, begging him not to but he ignored your pleads, "Destroy everything."

Giratina roared out as colours inverted multiple times, the sky seeming like shattered glass as you slowly began to lose consciousness. The only thing you could hear as you passed out were Volo's words, "Don't worry, my dear, everything will be alright."

Recalling those memories made you feel sick in an instant. You thought you could win back then but you weren't strong enough. Currently, you sat on a floating island in the sickeningly colourful abyss of whatever this dimension was, Giratina'a home most likely. Volo sat behind you, playing with your hair while you sat in silence, "See, Y/N? I told you everything would be alright." His crazed tone had died down to a softer one, seeming to have calmed down now that he had gotten what he wanted, "This place is perfect too. No problems, no people, no danger, just the two of us."

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