Hop x Reader (platonic) - Be more careful

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This oneshot was requested by
Hello! Sorry it's been such a while! Hopefully I can get back into writing these more often! Been busy with college.
Anyway! Question of the oneshot! What's your favourite gen 8 starter? I really love Sobble, mostly because I love frogs but yeah.
Fun fact, this oneshot is sort of based on something that happened to me when first playing the game lol
Anyway! Onto the oneshot!

No matter how many times Hop had told you not to go and fight the super strong Pokémon in the wild area, you did it anyway, because why not? You had first seen this wild Steelix wandering about Giant's Seat in the wild area, just being able to see it in the distance. You had wanted to battle it, but Hop tried so hard to convince you not too, "Y/N! We just finished our third gym battle, at least wait a little longer before battlin' every fully evolved Pokémon you see!" He had told you, so you reluctantly followed him to Hammerlocke to go challenge the fourth gym.

You were now immediately running out of said gym, having already beat the gym leader, and you headed back out to the wild area to train a little more, at least that's what you told Hop when you had ran into him, "Y/N? Where you goin'? The next gyms that way." He asked, pointing in the direction of Glimwood Tangle, the forest that lead to the fairy type gym.

"Oh, yeah, I know, I just... wanted to get some more training in!" You told him, you weren't exactly lying so he'd probably believe you.

"But... you could probably train in—" He had started to speak before you began to run off.

"I'll meet you back in Hammerlocke once I'm done with the gym, okay?" You called out to him over your shoulder as you ran off, "See ya!"

And now, you were wandering around part of the Wild area near Motostoke, looking for that wild Steelix you had wanted to battle. You soon found it by the place you had originally found it, immediately getting the pokéball out that contained your Pokémon that had a type advantage over it. You sent it out, going for a surprise attack. The attack did a fairly good amount of damage, until the Steelix attacked in return, getting your Pokémon to under half health, "Crap, what level is this thing?" You wondered, before telling your Pokémon to use one of its moves again.

Eventually, most of your team was either fainted or low on health, and you didn't have any revives on you, just some super potions that were quickly running out. Soon enough, the Steelix got a critical hit on your last Pokémon, and it seemed pretty mad...

Next thing you know, you running back to the nearest Pokémon centre to heal your team, with a few injuries from a very angry Steelix. The moment you got to the Pokémon centre, Nurse Joy healed your Pokémon like usual, before asking if you needed any help with your injuries, which you pretty quickly agreed to.

Once all of that was done, she told you that you could stay in the Pokémon centre for a little longer, just so your leg can have a chance to heal up, she got you some water and everything too. While you sat there, you decided to give Hop a call, just to let him know what happened. You got your phone out, video calling him while you waited for him to pick up.

After a few seconds of waiting, he picked up, "Hello, hello! Y/N, what's up?" He asked before noticing your expression, "Mate, what happened? You look exhausted..."

You chuckled a bit awkwardly, "Yeah, um... I was just training a bit more in the wild area and, uh..."

"Please tell me you didn't fight any of those over-levelled Pokémon." He immediately said.

You awkwardly smiled, "Sort of...?" You chuckled nervously, "And it miiight have went... well... badly..."

As you told him, you could already sense the disappointment, "Alright, alright, where are you right now?"

"Pokémon centre in Motostoke, the one next to the battle café..." You told him, feeling a bit bad for doing the one thing he advised you not to. The call ended with him telling you that he was on his way.

Soon enough, you saw Hop enter the Pokémon centre. You waved to him with a sheepish smile, hoping he wouldn't be too mad at you. You could see how worried he seemed as he walked over at sat by the table you were at, "You alright, mate?" He asked, clearly concerned.

You awkwardly smiled, "Yeah, yeah, I'm alright... Nurse joy helped me heal my team... and my leg, so uh, yeah..." You awkwardly told him, knowing he'd probably be upset with you...

It took a moment before he simply sighed, "Mate, I told you not to go and–"

"I know, I know, sorry..." You instantly apologised, "You know what I'm like, I see a big strong thing and I just wanna fight it..." You quietly told him, looking down at the glass of water in front of you, "Sorry..."

Hop just shook his head, "Just be more careful next time, alright?" He asked, "After all, I can't battle my rival if they're injured! That'd just be unfair!" He added with a smile, letting you know he wasn't too upset with you, only worried about your well-being.

You softly laughed, "Yeah, thanks..."

He nodded with his usual bright smile, "Now then! We should probably get you home, you looked exhausted... and you did just get attacked by like a level 60 Steelix, so..."

"Yeah, that'd probably be for the best..." You reluctantly agreed, still wanting to go and battle more Pokémon, but knowing you needed to rest, "...Thanks Hop."

"Anytime mate!"

Word count: 984 words
Okay, I'm so sorry for the updates being THIS late, but I'm trying to get back into writing. I've just had a writers block that's lasted for literally the entire year and I'm so sorry for that! Also sorry for how this oneshot was paced, it felt a little too fast when reading through it, but to be fair, I haven't written on here in like a year, so yeah.
I've got a bunch of oneshots to get through, so the next few of these might not be the best, but hey, like I said, still trying to get back into writing! Hopefully the next one doesn't take too long to get done, and if it does, uhhhhhhhhhhh sorry.

Anyway, stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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