Ingo x Reader - Faint memories (PLA)

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Anyway— Question of the oneshot! Who's your favourite Pokémon protagonists? When it comes to design, I'd have to say Hilbert and Ethan for the male protags and Green/Leaf and Selene for the female protags! (Sorry I use their names that are in Pokémon masters, I think in the manga they're all named after the games)

Now, All aboard!

You couldn't remember anything. The earliest memory you could recall was suddenly awaking on a snowy mountain. How you got there was completely unknown to you but you were at least grateful that someone found you. Seeing him gave you a strange sense of familiarity yet you couldn't understand why. No matter how hard you tried, no memory of your life or this man came to mind, so why did he seem so familiar?

You're entire body felt cold, it felt like you were laying in snow. Turns out, you were. How on earth did you get here? "Are you alright?" A voice spoke out to you. You slowly opened your eyes, near immediately closing them again due to the bright white of your surroundings. Blinking countless times, your vision tried to adjust, "Ah, good. You're alive." Once your eyes got used to the brightness, you slowly opened them fully, barely being able to make out a figure kneeling down in front of you. As you're eyes slowly looked up, you noticed the features of the man. He had platinum hair with eyes the same colour, wearing a black coat with horizontal brown stripes on it, and a hat the same shade as the black on his coat, "Excuse me, are you alright? Are you injured?"

"I-I... I think, yeah..." Your arms shook as you tried to push yourself up from the snow.

The man was quick to gently help you up, allowing you to lean on him for support, "Don't worry, I'm here to help. I don't see any blood but you still need medical attention."

Your head ached as you stared at your surroundings, "Where... am I? H-How did I get here?"

"I remember saying the exact same thing when I got here." The man told you as he sighed, "I see you fell from that rift as well."

Your head only began to ache further, "What are you talking about...?"

"You're in the same situation I was, I'll get you somewhere safe." Despite the fact that you had never seen this man in your life, you found a strange sense of comfort in him. He seemed so familiar, why though? "I apologise, I realise I didn't answer your question. This is Hisui. You're the third to fall through that rift."

"Third?" You questioned.

He nodded, "Yes. I believe I was the first to fall through. The second was a girl named Dawn, she seems to remember some things about her past, whereas I do not remember mine. You would be the third." It made you feel slightly better to know that there were others that were in your situation, even if it was only two other people, "Do you remember anything?"

You tried to search your brain for any memories you could've had but strangely, nothing came up. You slowly shook your head, "I... I don't... know..." You stared down at the snow, "Why don't I remember anything? I have a name, don't I? Wait... My name is..." You paused for a moment, "Y/N..." The man gave you a confused look, "My name. I can remember my name. It's Y/N."

He nodded, "I'm Ingo." He introduced himself as he started to help you walk down the mountain, hopefully getting you to safety.

You gave him a tired smile, "Thank you, Ingo."

And that's how you ended up here in the Hisui region. Ever since you had fallen through the rift in the sky, you and Ingo had become great friends. For some unknown reason, his presence was so comforting to you.

On one evening, you were finishing up your mini-adventure around the Albaster Icelands. Ingo had told you how the Zorua and Zoroark in Hisui seemed rather familiar to him, and so you had caught one for him, in hopes it would help him remember something about his past.

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