Adaman X Reader - Everything about you

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Hello, hello, to all my fellow Adaman simps! No one requested this, I just had an idea and sudden motivation to write.

You were running around the Crimson Mirelands, hoping to catch some more Pokémon to help the professor with the Pokédex. You were attempting to catch a Bonsly but were having trouble as you couldn't find one anywhere. Next, you tried to find a female Combee since they apparently had a different form than a male one. Unfortunately though, you had no luck with that either. The sun was beginning to set on the horizon so you decided to give up for now and try again tomorrow.

Whilst you were healing all your Pokémon after all their hard work in battles, you heard a familiar voice call out to you, "Hey, Y/N!" You turned your head to see Adaman, waving to you with a friendly smile as he walked over to you.

Seeing him instantly put a smile on your face, "Hey, Adaman! It's good to see you again!" You greeted him, the Pokémon on your team stood by your side as they let out a happy cry upon seeing him.

His Leafeon made its way to you, rubbing its head against your leg. You giggled, crouching down to pet it's head. Your Pokémon enjoyed his company and his enjoyed yours, "It's good to see you again too!" His Leafeon cried out happily before returning to Adaman's side, "Listen, I need to ask you something, it's important."

It was easy to catch your attention whenever someone said that, "What is it?" You asked.

"I was hoping you could meet me at Lake Valor later?" The colours from the sunset made it hard to tell but his cheeks seemed a tint redder than usual, "Maybe in about 10 minutes? I know it's really late notice but–"

You nodded, "Sure, I haven't got many things to do so I can come."

His smile grows a bit wider, "Perfect! I'll see you there then!" Without another word, he walked away, leaving you to tend to your Pokémon.

You spent those next 10 minutes playing with your Pokémon, they were more than tired and needed a break from battling those scary alpha Pokémon. After about 3 minutes had passed, you returned to searching for a Bonsly, yet you still found nothing. After a few more minutes, you made your way to Lake Valor, hoping you weren't keeping Adaman waiting.

The sky was filled with stars scattered here and there, a crescent moon rising in the distant. Despite the fact you had seen the night sky a million times, it never failed to take your breath away, "There you are, Y/N!"

You turned your head to the source of the familiar voice. Adaman stood there with a smile. You were unable to stop yourself from smiling back, "Hey, sorry if I kept you waiting." You walked over to where he stood by the lake.

"Not at all, you're right on time actually." He took a step closer to you, "Okay, Y/N." He placed his hands on your shoulders, causing your face to warm up but the sky was dark enough to hide your blush, "I need you to listen to me because this is very important."

You nodded, "What is it? Do you need help with anything?" Based on his serious tone of voice, you assumed he was about to send you on some long, dangerous mission.

He let out a sigh, sounding rather stressed over something, "I don't know when... this started, but..." He pauses, taking a deep breath, "Something about you... it's driving me crazy, Y/N." You tilt your head, wanting to ask what on Earth he meant but you let him continue, "I-I don't know if it's your eyes, your hair, your voice or — Whatever it is, your making me feel all these things." He falls silent for a minute, "I've fallen in love with you, Y/N, and I've fallen hard." His grip on your shoulders loosen, "I couldn't handle having it bottled up anymore."

You hadn't noticed it as first, but his face was bright red. It wasn't long until you realised how warm your face felt as well, "Yo-You're in love with me...?" You asked, wanting to make sure you heard him correctly.

He slowly nodded, soon letting go of you, "Listen, I completely understand if you don't feel the sa–"

Before he could finish, you wrap your arms around him, gazing deeply into his caramel brown eyes, "I love you too."

His eyes lit up with pure joy, "Really?" You nodded, giving him a soft smile, only causing his cheeks to warm up even more. Without another word, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up, spinning you around with the brightest smile on his face. Your face burned with blush as you placed your hands on his shoulders. He eventually put you down, letting your feat touch the ground again, "You have no idea how happy this makes me!"

Before you could get a word in, he pulled you closer as he pressed his lips against yours. Your heart felt like it skipped a beat, but you were quick to move your hands up as you began to play with his hair. His heart only beat faster as he pulled away, barely able to handle how much love you were giving him. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him once more as you buried your head in his shoulder, "I love you." You mumbled.

His arms gently wrapped around you, "I love you too." After your warm embrace with him, he pulled away, placing his hands on your shoulders like before, "Now, it's getting late. You should probably go get some sleep."

You tilted your head to the side, "But I still need to do more work on the Pokédex and everything, there's some I can only catch at night–"

"Nope! You heard me, go get some sleep." You shook your head at him, "As your boyfriend, I'm asking you nicely to get some sleep, please, I get worried about you sometimes."

You found a smile forcing itself on your lips, "Your my boyfriend now?"

He blushed a tad, "If you want to...?"

You gave him a quick peck on the lips, "I'd love that."

Word count: 1056
Sorry that this one was a bit shorter, I was losing motivation at the end.
Anyway, I hope you all make more requests cause no one else has yet and I need them to keep the motivation going.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe! 💛

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