Saturn x Reader - Side by side

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Hello hello! I never got to play the original Diamond, Pearl and Platinum but I did get to play the remakes! I remember seeing the reveal of how all the characters looked and when I saw Saturn, I instantly got so much gender envy. He'a definitely one of my favourite Sinnoh characters!
Question of the oneshot! Which legendary/mythical is your favourite? I played a lot of gen 7 growing up so I gotta say Marshadow or Lunala, nostalgia factor and all that.

You've know Saturn for years, the two of you had been friends ever since childhood. When growing up together, you were inseparable, always side by side. Of course, the two of you were still like this but had been somewhat forced to be apart more than either of you wanted when you both joined Team Galactic. The two of you still get along great but you had to force yourself not to stick to him like glue whenever he was close by. Professionalism and all that.

You were currently finishing your training with your Pokémon in one of the training rooms. Just like Saturn, you were also an admin, meaning you had to be the strongest you could. You reached into your bag and pulled out some treats for all of your Pokémon. All of them cried out happily once they were rewarded for all their hard work.

You smiled, returning them all to their poké balls as you stood up, your thoughts making you pause for a moment. How long had it been since you last spoke to Saturn? The two of you used to talk all the time as kids but things were different now. Before you could decide on what to do, you heard a knock on the door to the training room as a voice came from the other side, "Y/N?" You could recognise the voice easily, it belonged to Mars, "Y/N, you've been in there all day." She sounded a little concerned but she was right. You often found yourself turning to your training to distract yourself from whatever problems you were facing. That way, you weren't bothering anyone and sooner or later, you would forget the problem even existed. This was different though.

"We know you prioritise your training but, at this rate, you're gonna overwork yourself." Jupiter's voice followed after Mars' voice.

You opened the door, noticing the worried look on their faces. You were about to speak before Mars did, "Y/N, you look exhausted." Her voice softened, sounding like she genuinely cared for your well-being, "Did something happen?"

You were quick to shake your head, "No, no, nothing hap–"

"Is it about Saturn?" Jupiter asked, somehow reading your mind.

"No– Well... Sort of?" Letting out a sigh, you run a hand through your hair to try and help calm yourself down, "It's just... I haven't been able to talk to him in a while. Him and I have always been close, but now it feels like we barely know each other. We're childhood friends and we used to stick together regardless of what happens but now it's almost like..." You pause, lowering the volume of your voice, "It's like he doesn't even know me anymore. Honestly, I... I miss him." You took a deep breath, not wanting to spill all the emotions you had been building up.

The two glanced at each other, exchanging a worried look before speaking, "In that case, why don't you go talk to him?" Mars suggested.

Jupiter nodded, "Yeah, he's probably–"

Just as she spoke, a certain blue haired man turned the corner, stopping to stare at the three of you, "What are you all doing?"

Mars and Jupiter looked at you for a second before smiling, "Just checking in on Y/N, they've been training all day. Anyway!" Mars suddenly started walking away with Jupiter, "See you later, you two!" The two of them left, leaving you alone with Saturn.

There was a moment of silence between the two of you, neither of you knowing what to say. The two of you went from talking nonstop to barely saying a word unless necessary for a mission, "You only train this much when you're stressed, tell me what's wrong."

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