Steven x reader - Perfect Timing / Part 3

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The long awaited final part of this oneshot is finally here! I apologise for how long it took! (Also I couldn't find the artist for the picture above, if any of you know who drew it, please let me know so I can credit them!)
Question of the oneshot! Since this is a oneshot for Steven, what's your favourite steel type Pokémon? I really love Alolan Sandslash, I always loved Sandslash and I loved its regional form even more! I also really like Scizor and Genesect!
Anyway, enough of the intro, let's get onto the oneshot!

Ever since you had arrived in Hoenn for your research on mega evolution, things had gone a little more interesting than you had originally thought. To start off with, only in the first few weeks into your stay, you had unexpectedly made friends with Steven, the champion of the region. He was a massive help to you during your research, and was also just great company. A lot of the time, he would also be the one reminding you to take a break when you had been working for too long. You had now been staying in Hoenn for about a month now, after the first week, you had settled in quite nicely, it was beginning to be like another home to you.

You set down your pen, leaning against the back of your chair as you let out a sigh. Steven, who was there to keep you company or help you during your research, noticed your heavy sigh as he looked over, "You sound stressed, everything okay, Y/N?"

You smiled at him, feeling quite tired, "Yeah, everything's fine. Just getting tired." You told him.

"I can't blame you, you've been working non-stop lately. You really should take a break." He told you, noticing how focused you had been for the past week.

You groaned, stretching your arms above your head, "I'd love to, but I really need to get this done."

You were about to flip through some of your notes before he placed his hand over your notebook, "Y/N, you should really take a break. It's not healthy to be working so much." He told you.

You weren't going to lie, you did need a break. Doing constant research had really done a good job in tiring you out. You turned your head to him, smiling a bit, "Alright, alright. I'll take a break." You closed your notebook and stood up, stretching once more as you straightened your clothes, "I guess I'll head out for a walk in Petalburg Woods again, hopefully I won't get attacked by Team Aqua like last time, or Team Magma." Funnily enough, getting attacked by Team Aqua was how you and Steven met. The memory of it made you smile, "Wanna come with? Since you're so persistent about me taking a break?"

He laughed at your statement, "Sure, I haven't gone there in a while." He happily agreed as you both headed outside, the winter air instantly hitting you the moment you opened the door.

As the two of you walked through the woods, you talked about the time you both first met. You couldn't help but cringe a bit at how you had first reacted to meeting him, you had never expected he would want to be anywhere near you after that, but here he was, helping you with your research and more than happy to be in your company.

During your walk, Steven asked you something, "Why exactly have you been working so hard lately? You've never really worked for so long in one day."

You let out a small sigh, "Well... I think I'm just anxious for when I finally head back to Kalos... I'm trying to get as much research done as I possibly can." You told him as you walked alongside him.

He frowned, remembering you were only in Hoenn for a few months, "When exactly are you going back?" He asked, his voice sounding rather dejected.

"In about a month and a half." You sighed once more, "I... Honestly don't think I wanna go back. I've really loved being here. Originally, doing research here was kinda boring. I didn't really know anyone here apart from the professor and the kids so that might've been why." You turned your head towards him, a smile spreading across your face, "But then I just so happened to meet you. You've really helped me, Steven."

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