Barry x Reader - Heart warming

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I owe him money, I have to write something for him.
Question of the oneshot! Which evil team is your favourite? Mine is tied between Team Skull and Team Galactic. Team Skull because of nostalgia and Team Galactic because I like they're space vibe.
Anyway! Time for the oneshot!

You were currently training your Pokémon on route 217, right outside of Snowpoint City. Unlike most of your friends, you at least wrapped up warm for the freezing cold. Most of your time was spent battling other trainers or catching Pokémon that weren't registered in your Pokédex, you and your friends were tasked with filling it up to help the professor with his research. After around half an hour, you decided to take a break, "Alright *Partner Pokémon*, you did great today!" Reaching into your bag, you handed it a bunch of its favourite berries, smiling as it cried out happily.

As you were about to get ready to leave, you could distantly hear a hyper voice, getting extremely closer after every second, "Y/N! Y/N, wait up!"

You turned around, about to see who was calling you until...


You had closed your eyes upon impact as you slowly opened them to see a familiar blonde boy, who seemed completely unfazed by running head first into you, "Sorry about that Y/N..." He laughed nervously, holding out his hand to you as he pulled you up from the snow covered ground.

"It's fine, Barry." You let out a sigh with a tired smile, "One of these days, you're gonna give me a concussion." You joked, "What're you doing here anyway?"

"Dawn and Lucas told me you'd be here! I wanted to ask you something!" He replied with a smile, slightly embarrassed from knocking you over when he ran into you.

"You didn't think to put anything warmer on before you ran out the door?" You asked, noticing how he had his usual jacket with short sleeves.

"I'll be fine, the cold never bothered me anyway! Besides, I've got my scarf!" He said, as if that instantly made him immune to the freezing weather.

You shrugged your shoulders, "Fair enough...? Anyway, what did you want to ask me?"

"Oh, right!" He exclaimed, almost like he forgot what he came for in the first place, "I wanted to ask if–" He suddenly paused, a light blush rising to his face, "Uh, well... Do you wanna go to Lake Acuity with me?"

Upon hearing his question, your face started to warm up slightly. Of course, he was completely oblivious to your feelings for him, no matter how many hints you dropped, he just couldn't pick up on any of them, "Sure, why though?"

"You've been training so much lately. Me, Dawn and Lucas were all thinking that you needed a break!" He told you.

"That's... really nice of you, Barry. Thank you." You thanked him as you noticed his smile growing a little wider.

He lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head, "I-It's fine." He seemed a little embarrassed about the compliment, "So... Do you wanna go?"

You nodded your head, "Of course, it'd be nice to take a break from everything."

An excited grin appeared on his face, "Great! Let's go!" He suddenly took your hand in his and gently pulled you with him. Surprisingly, he wasn't sprinting at a speed equal to that of Deoxys, rather he was walking at a decent pace so you could keep up with him, "So, how's training going?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

While the two of your talked about your Pokémon, you eventually got to Lake Acuity. Because of the cold weather, the lake was slightly frozen over while snow powdered over the trees. The two of you sat next to the lake's water, watching the clouds slowly roll by. You let out a sigh, "I love how quiet it is out here, it's so peaceful..."

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