Piers x Fem!Reader - Company

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This oneshot was requested by
I'm so sorry for how long it's taken me to get back into writing these! I've had a lot going on over the past few months but I'm alright! I have like 10 requests now so I'm going to make sure to get those done! Again, so sorry to everyone for the wait!
Question of the oneshot! What's your favourite dark type Pokémon? I really love Sableye and Weavile! Zoroark is really cool too!
Anyway, onto the oneshot!

Here you were again, walking through the tunnel to Route 9, heading to Spikemuth. You visited Spikemuth quite often to see the dark type gym leader, Piers. The two of you were great friends, and it was clear to anyone, that wasn't him, that you liked him a bit more than that. You often went to see him since he seemed a bit lonely sometimes.

As you entered Spikemuth, you were greeted by all the neon lights shining brightly in the dark town. You walked down to where his gym battles usually took place, finding him there most of the time. You smiled, walking up to him, "Hey Piers!" You waved to him as he looked up at you from where he was sitting on the stage.

"Oh, hey Y/N." He greeted you, "I didn't know you were comin' by today."

"Yeah, sorry about that! I just thought I'd stop by and see how you were." You told him, walking up to give him a quick hug, "How are you? You and Marnie doing okay?"

He seemed to tense up as you hugged him, but still didn't seem to mind it, "Yeah, we're doin' alright. Marnie's been doin' great as a gym leader too."

You smiled, "That's awesome! Where is she? I got more of her favourite snacks while I was in Hammerlocke!" You told him, "I couldn't remember if she liked strawberry or chocolate more so I got both!" You showed him the boxes of treats as you spoke, "And don't worry, I got you something too."

He smiled, his voice softening as he spoke, "Thanks, Y/N. Do you wanna come in? Marnie would probably love to see you again." He told you as you nearly instantly agreed. You did always enjoy spending time with him, and you always liked helping him and Marnie out when you could, even if it was the littlest things.

You followed him inside, closing the door behind you as you took off your shoes, "Marnieeeeee! Y/N's hereeee!" He called out to his little sister, his voice sounding as tired as usual.

It wasn't long until you could hear footsteps running downstairs, quickly getting louder as Marnie came into your sight. She ran up to you and greeted you with a quick hug, "Y/N!"

You smiled and hugged her back, Piers standing to the side with a smile, "You haven't been over in a while and she kinda missed seein' you."

Marnie pulled back as she crossed her arms, staring at her brother, "You did too!" She told him, making him blush a bit as he glared at her while she laughed.

"Anyway." He changed the subject, "Have you eaten yet, Y/N? I could get you somethin' if your hungry?"

You were about to say you were fine before Marnie spoke up, "We have (insert favourite food), if you want that?"

You smiled, "If it's not too much trouble, then yeah, sure." You told them, not wanting to bother them.

"Yeah, it's fine." Piers told you, "Marnie, could you come help me with it?" His little sister nodded as they both walked into the kitchen.

"So, when are you tellin' her?" Marnie asked, looking up at her brother.

He sighed, "There's nothin' to tell her." He responded, knowing exactly what she was asking.

"Yes there is! Plus, it seems like she likes you too." She told him, poking his arm just to irritate him a bit.

He stopped to think about it for a moment, before he simply shook his head and continued what he was doing, "She doesn't, and stop poking me." He said, moving his arm away, "Also, they act like that with everyone." He told her, before giving it another thought, "Probably, at least..." He mumbled, soon noticing the look Marnie was giving him, "...Stop it." He groaned, playfully pushing her head away.

She laughed, pushing him back, "Just tell her! It won't be that bad, promise!"

"Marnie, just leave it." He said, picking up the plate of (insert favourite food) and taking it to you, "And don't say anythin' about it, alright?" He quietly told her, hoping you wouldn't overhear.

"Fiiiiine." She complied, walking with him to where you were sitting.

The three of you all talked, while Marnie kept teasing her brother, although she made sure to not make his feelings too obvious to you. You couldn't help but laugh at their antics, Marnie laughing too while Piers sat there, seeming quite unamused.

Eventually, he got up, saying he just needed to go get some water. He asked if you needed anything as well, which you didn't. Before he left, he gave Marnie one of those glares, as if telling her not to do something. Right as he left, Marnie instantly turned to you, "Do you like him?" She suddenly asked you.

You felt your face heat up a bit, "What?" You asked, a little surprised at her question.

"My brother. You kinda act like you like him, so..." Her voice trailed off as she spoke, "Do you?"

You couldn't help but smile as you softly chuckled, "Well, I mean... uh..." You mumbled as you tried to think of something to say, "Should you really be asking this, Marnie?"

Before she could answer, Piers entered the room again, "Marnie, what're you askin' Y/N about this time?"

"Nothin'." She lied, before standing up, "Anyway, I told Gloria I'd have a battle with her today, so I gotta get goin'!" She quickly said, before getting her boots on that sat near the door, "I'll see you guys in a bit though!" She didn't give anyone a moment to speak before she ran out the door.

You glanced over at Piers as he sighed, leaning back on the sofa the two of you were sat on, "She wasn't windin' you up or anythin', right?" He asked, still sounding tired but calm, like usual.

You were quick to shake your head, "Oh, no, it's fine! She was just asking me something." You told him.

"Yeah..." His voice trailed off as he thought for a moment. He knew that if he didn't tell you how he felt, Marnie probably would, and she would probably exaggerate it too much.

He sighed, "Y/N, there's, uh... somethin' I want you to know."

You nodded, giving him your full attention, "Is everything okay?" You asked, a little worried about his nervous tone of voice.

"Yeah, no, everythin's fine." He told you, "I've just been thinkin' lately, and..." He paused for a second, not exactly knowing how he was supposed to say it, "I... Think I'm in love with you..." He slowly got the words out, smiling awkwardly as he said them.

You took a second to process that before a smile came across your face, "I think I love you too." You told him, leaning your head onto his shoulder.

He tended up a bit before slowly relaxing as you smiled up at him, "Heh, guess I didn't need to be so nervous then..." He chuckled, "I, uh... Don't really know what to do now."

"I don't really know either." You giggled, "I mean, we could start dating if you're alright with it, I just don't wanna rush you."

He nodded, still not completely sure what he wanted to do, he didn't want to rush you either, "I'll think about it, I just wanna make sure I have everythin' figured out."

You nodded, "Yeah, I get that." You told him, before standing up and stretching your arms above your head, "I'll probably start heading out soon, thanks for having me over today!"

He stood up with you, "It's fine, I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll see you soon!" You told him. Before heading out the door though, you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making his face redden quite a bit as you waved goodbye to him.

He stood there for a solid minute before a voice broke him out of his trance, "Told you she liked you."

He groaned, "Shut up, Marnie..."

Word count: 1429

God, I am so sorry for how long this took to write! Writers block has been awful but I'm glad I was finally able to finish this oneshot! I've got quite a lot of requests to get to so if you're still waiting for yours, please be patient while I work on them and I am once again so sorry for the nearly five month wait lol.

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