Saturn x Ghost!reader - Linked

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Happy spooky month! I've always loved Halloween so this oneshot shall be spoooooky~ So, yeah, Y/N is now a ghost! Also, this oneshot is kinda inspired by a game I saw recently called Lift Your Spirits, I saw ManlyBadassHero play it, highly recommended checking it out!
This oneshot was requested by
Question of the oneshot! Since Halloween is super close, what's your favourite ghost type Pokémon? Mine is easily Mimikyu, Marshadow and Chandelure, a lot of them are really cool though!
Anyway, onto the spooooky oneshot! (it's honestly not really that spooky, sorry to disappoint lol)

You honestly couldn't remember how long you had been here, you had lost track of the time but it didn't really matter anyway. All you knew is that you had been here for what felt like an eternity. If you were being honest, it wasn't all that bad, you always had a few ghost type Pokémon to keep you company while you hid away in some random storage room of a building you were bounded to. You were able to explore the entire building, but you usually preferred to hide away.

Most of the time, being a ghost was depressing, lonely even. Over time though, you had grown more accustomed to how things were now. Sometimes, you'd even see some of the people who worked in the building you were bound to. You didn't ever try to harm them but a few harmless pranks never hurt anyone, that's why their called harmless pranks. It would mostly consist of slamming the door behind them, or even locking the door for a bit while you give them a quite the scare. It was always fun and somewhat harmless.


It was a slow night for the blue haired commander, sitting in his office as he tried to finish off some paperwork he had to do. He let out a sigh, not wanting to do it. His brain suddenly reminded him of the rumours that had been going around about the storage room in the Team Galactic building. Apparently, some strange things were happening whenever anyone went in there, some people even thought the storage room might've been haunted. He didn't completely believe all the rumours, it was all probably just a ghost type Pokémon that had somehow crept into the building. He couldn't lie though, he was rather curious about it all.

Once he had finished the work he needed to get done, he leaned back against his chair, letting out an exhausted sigh. He was working pretty late for a change so there wasn't many other people in the building, or possibly anyone. He thought back to all the rumours he had overheard over the past few days, "Well, I've got nothing else to do..." He stood up from his desk, "Lets go check it out." He grabbed a flashlight from one of the drawers, making sure the batteries worked before making his way down the hall, towards the seemingly 'haunted' storage room.

He arrived at the storage room, pushing the door open as it creaked rather loudly. As we walked inside, the door slammed shut behind him, the sudden noise making him jump in surprise. He shrugged it off, knowing that it was probably just a strong gust of wind that shut it, even though there weren't any windows in the storage room.


You jumped slightly at the noise of the door opening. You were sure no one else would be in the building, considering late it was. You could hear their footsteps as they walked around, their shine from their flashlight moving around the room. Moving around the shelves in the room, you tried to get a clearer look at whoever this person was. You were a little surprised to see someone that you had never seen before. They had blue hair that was shaped like... Cat ears? You guessed it was safe to assume that everyone that worked here had some sort of funny hairstyle.

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