Saturn x Reader - Change of mind

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Hello again! I'm back with another oneshot, this time it's for Saturn! He's honestly one of my favourite characters (if the pfp doesn't explain that enough lol). Also, fun fact, Saturn is the second character in this book to have more than one oneshot! (First was Volo) So congrats space boy.
Question of the oneshot! Since we're writing for a Sinnoh character, what's your favourite gen 4 Pokémon? My top favourites are Gastrodon, Gliscor, Porygon-Z, Weavile, Toxicroak and Gallade! I know, too many favourites.
This oneshot was requested by @LucarioAckerman I hope you enjoy!

A/N: I imagine that the Team Galactic commanders are all at least 18 so Y/N is as well, for obvious reasons.
Also for the professor's assistant, you get to choose whether it's Dawn or Lucas.
Key - P/P : Partner Pokémon, this can just be whatever your favourite is.

You stepped out of the Canalave City Gym, looking down at the Mine Badge you had received after defeating the gym leader. Looking to your side, you noticed how Barry had actually stayed put for once, waiting for you outside the gym just like you had asked. He was definitely difficult to keep in one place, or even keep in sight for that matter.

Barry just so happened to be starting his adventure at the same time you were. Your parents were good friends with his parents so they asked if you could go on your journey alongside him, mostly to keep the hyper child out of harm's way. You honestly didn't mind, you just hoped you wouldn't be babysitting the entire time.

You greeted him as you stepped out of the building, "Hey, you actually stayed put for once." You joked, "I got the badge, where are we going next?"

He smiled, ignoring your previous comment, "We were going to head to Snowpoint City for the seventh gym, but the professor wanted us to meet him in the library!"

As he dragged you to the top floor of the library, you were greeted by the professor and Dawn/Lucas, his assistant. He mostly talked about how his research and the Pokédex was coming along. One of the last things he talked about was Sinnoh's three lakes, wanting the three of you to look around. Dawn/Lucas would be going to Lake Verity, Barry to Lake Acuity and you to Lake Valor.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, the ground beginning to shake for a short amount of time. Some thought it was simply an earthquake at first, before you saw the smoke rising in the distance. The sight made everyone panic, "Lake Valor just exploded!" Barry exclaimed.

Hearing that, you felt a little more anxious, especially since the professor had wanted you to go to Lake Valor. You all carefully made your way outside, finally getting a better look at the rising smoke, "What even caused this?" Dawn/Lucas mumbled in shock.

"Team Galactic, probably." You answered, "Those guys have been doing all kinds of crazy things."

After talking more with the group, everyone eventually goes their separate ways. Worried about what could be happening, you quickly flew over to one of the cities nearby the lake, getting a quick overview of the area. All the water had been dryed up, as well as Magikarp hopelessly flopping around on the land. As soon as you landed in the area close by, you immediately sprinted towards the lake.

The sight was even more disturbing up close. You had to push those feelings to the side for now as you knew you had to get to the cavern. Luckily, the members of the team weren't to difficult to defeat, most of them didn't even have Pokémon that were evolved. After beating the last one, you healed your Pokémon before heading inside.

As you enter the cavern, your eyes land on a strange figure. Before you can call out to them, they turn around, their deep blue eyes meeting yours. You froze for a moment, a spark-like feeling rushing through you for no more than a second. You were about to speak, before the blue haired stranger could be heard mumbling something, "Well, this is strange..." He looked away from you as he spoke, back still turned to you.

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