Silver x reader - Late Night

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Your enby Nox is back at it again with a oneshot no one requested! Silver is definitely my favourite rival, his character development made me love him so easily.
Also, I've looked on Bulbapedia but it doesn't give me a clear answer, what colour are his eyes???

Also, I've looked on Bulbapedia but it doesn't give me a clear answer, what colour are his eyes???

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Nobody knows.
Alright, question of the oneshot! What gen 9 starter is your favourite? They're all cute but I have to pick Fuecoco! It reminds me of Gible and Totodile so I think that's why I love it.

You slowly opened your eyes, your phone's ringtone echoed through the darkness of your bedroom, "What the..." You whispered to yourself, staring at your phone, light peeking out from the bottom from how it was faced down on the bedside table. You were trying your best to fall asleep, before the phone call had come through, but just couldn't. As you drag your tired arm up to grab your phone, you check the name at the top of the screen as it read, "Silver."

Glancing further up at the time displayed on your phone screen, you noticed it was one in the morning. Letting out an exhausted groan, you wanted to deny the call and try to get some sleep, however something in you didn't want to. Knowing you'll probably regret answering whatever the red-head had to call you for, you tapped the green button and held the phone up to your ear, "Hey..." You answered, sleepily.

Silver was about to speak but your voice caused his cheeks to warm up slightly, "Hey, come over to Dragon's Den. I want a battle."

You were used to him not even asking if you were up for it, but this time felt a little ridiculous to you, "Can't you get Ethan to battle you?"

He didn't speak for a second, as if thinking of a way to convince you, "No, I just–"

"Silv, as much as I know you love having your battles with literally anyone you can find, it's one in the morning." You told him, rubbing your eyes in hopes to keep yourself awake.

Silence fell over the call, "...And?"

As much as you loved him, he would get on your nerves like this sometimes. You took a deep breath, trying your best not to fall back asleep, "And I'm exhausted. We've battled at least 3 times this week and it's only Thursday. I'm not gonna–"

"Please?" It didn't show that much in his voice, but he sounded a little desperate, "I won't bother you again for the rest of the week, just this one battle." You sighed, attempting to process everything through your exhaustion, "...Please?" He added, once more.

You exhaled a short chuckle, "Never thought I'd see the day where I hear you saying 'please'." You giggled quietly, "Okay, fine, fine. Just give me some time though, I'll be there as soon as I can."

He nodded, smiling at his victory on convincing you, "See ya there, (Y/N)." He ended the call and gave you some time to get ready.

You shook your head at how easy it was for him to convince you, knowing that if any of your friends knew about this, they'd be relentless on calling you a simp.

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