Another update!

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Hi, hello, god, it's been a while.

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for not updating this in so long, about almost a year since my last actual oneshot yikes. I've been busy with both my secondary school for the majority of the time I haven't updated for, and college now that I'm doing that, and it's all sort of left me feeling a bit burnt out. It's not that bad, of course, just really haven't been wanting to write or anything. There's also just the fact that I've had other things I've been really interested in, and it's pulled my attention away from Pokémon quite a lot, so that's another main reason as to why I haven't been updating. I'm really sorry for all the requests I haven't been able to get to, like I said, I've just been busy with normal life stuff. I still like writing, of course, I just haven't felt like doing any of it.

I was thinking lately about getting into writing on here again, but if I did, I might make a new oneshot book, just since some of these oneshots are really old and I'm not the proudest of them, but whatever. Let me know what you guys would think about that since it would help! I know there's a lot of requests for me to get to, and some characters are just harder for me to write for, so that's why I kinda just stopped wanting to do these for quite a while.

If I do get back into writing on here, I will probably move it to a new book, but definitely let me know what you guys think! I think that I'd also try to shorten my oneshots a lot more unless they're for characters I really love, since writing a lot for characters I'm not too focused on tend to get a little difficult. I'm really not good at writing these little updates, but hopefully most of what I said made sense.

Anyway, as always, stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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