Red x Mute!Reader - Snow

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Oneshot was requested by

Hello! It's been a while since I've been writing so the next few oneshots might come out a little weird. Just to mention, I have got a list of requests that I will get through, but I'm doing them in order of who requested first, so if yours is taking a while, I promise it's coming up! Sorry it's taking such a long time for some of your requests, college has kept me very busy.
Question of the oneshot! What's your favourite gen 1 Pokémon? I've always really loved Gengar, Dragonite and Sandslash!

By the way, this oneshot is gameverse Red, not pokespe. All the characters I write are for gameverse since I haven't read the manga.
Anyway, onto the oneshot!

You walked through the caves of Mt. Silver as your footsteps echoed throughout the mountain. You held your Eevee close for warmth, its fluff really helping against the frosty air. You were looking for your friend, Red, who had disappeared to Mt. Silver a while after becoming Champion. No one ever really knew why he left, but you wanted to try to reach him. While you had gone on your Pokémon journey with Red, Blue and Leaf two years ago, you hadn't exactly been so focused on battling like they had, and since Mt. Silver was filled with high levelled Pokémon, you had needed to train a lot to make sure you'd be able to actually reach him.

It had taken a long while of fighting strong wild Pokémon, you had reached the end of the mountain's cave. You took a deep breath, your eyes needing to adjust to the sudden brightness of the outside. You really hoped that Red was actually here. You knew you had to do a little more climbing until you reached the top, but it was a little more dangerous, due to all the snow.

You carefully stepped out of the cave, the cold wind hitting your skin as the snow flew down from the sky. You kept your eyes down as you watched your every step, making sure to be cautious in case of slipping.

You were close to the top of the mountain, you were sure of it. There was another cave you had to enter, but you were sure this was the last one. Your Eevee had made a small sound as it stared up at you. You had been climbing up this mountain without taking much of a break. The small Pokémon seemed worried as you simply nodded to it, trying to let it know that you were fine. You just had to make it to the top. Just a bit further and you'd see him again...

Eventually, you were able to reach the end of the cavern. Your eyes squinted at the bright daylight, trying to adjust to it the closer you got. You were freezing. Your hands were shaking and you could barely feel your fingers, it was tiring enough to move your legs. But you had to. He had been gone for so long and you wanted an answer. Even if he didn't give you an answer... you'd have been happy enough just to see him again.

The cold of the blizzard hit your skin once again as you stepped out of the cave. It was a little hard to see with how thick the snow was coming down... and since when did everything look so blurry? Maybe you had gotten snow in your eyes...

Every step felt heavy, so heavy that your feet barely lifted over the snow. Even through your foggy vision, you could notice a familiar bit of red through the constant white that surrounded you. Your grip on your Eevee was loosening, and it seemed to be able to tell that something was wrong. It tried making a little sound to get your attention, but it was too windy to fully hear anything...

To tried to take a step forward, one foot dragging after the other. Your eyes were so focused on that blurry bit of red that you could see that you didn't fully pay attention to your steps, your foot landing on a bit of snow that looked like it was still level ground, even though the ground was a further down than you expected. You lost your balance and you slipped, your Pokémon falling out of your grip as it landed safely on the more equal part of the ground.

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