Clemont x reader - Childhood Crush

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I'm back with another random oneshot! This one's for all the people who watched X/Y as a kid and had a massive crush on him (like I did lol), or those who just like him.
Question of the oneshot! If you were a gym leader, what would your type specialty be and what would your team be? I really like ghost types so my team would probably consist of Mimikyu, Gengar, Dragapult, Trevenant, Froslass and Spiritomb! Those six are probably my favourite ghost types!
Anyway! Onto the oneshot!

You were walking around Lumiose City, getting a slight bit lost with the directions your friends gave you for where to meet them. They said it was at one of the cafés but there were so many! Whilst you were trying to find your way around, you heard a fairly high pitch voice coming from further down the street, close to where Lumiose Tower was, "Excuse me, random person!"

You turned around, your eyes meeting the bright blue ones of a small girl with blonde hair, she seemed to be around 8 years old. You pointed to yourself, confused on whether or not she was speaking to you, "Yes, you! Hold on!"

She ran up to you, causing you to panic a bit, "Are you okay? Do you need help?" You asked, concerned if someone was harassing this girl.

"Yes! I need your help with something!" She nodded with a hyper voice, taking your hand in her tiny ones, the way she got down on one knee was enough to confuse you beyond belief, "Will you PLEASE date my brother?"

You blinked a few times, taking in everything she said, "...I'm sorry, what?"

"Bonnie!" A strangely familiar voice came from behind the little girl, "For goodness sake, you need to stop asking people that!" The voice belonged to a boy with the same blonde hair and blue eyes as the girl had, with round glasses and a blue jumpsuit, "And please don't run up to strangers like that! Unknown people can be dangerous sometimes!"

The girl huffed and let go of your hand, lightly stomping her foot on the ground as she talked with the boy, "Well, they don't look dangerous..." she pouted, crossing her arms.

The boy seemed like he was exhausted with the little girl's behaviour, "That's the point! You can't tell whether someone's dangerous or not just by looking at them!" The boy's blue eyes met yours as he seemed to tense up, realising you were still standing there, confused out of your mind, "Ah, s-sorry! I'm sure you weren't doing anything, I'm just trying to keep my sister safe."

You nodded, "No, no, it's fine, I get it. Kids can be hard to keep an eye on." You laughed nervously.

He nodded, laughing in a nervous manner as well, "Definitely." The boy sounded exhausted, turning to his little sister, "Alright, come on Bonnie, we're going home."

"Aww, but Clemont! I've got a good feeling about this one!" She tried to convince him but nothing worked.

Hang on... That name sounded familiar, "Wait... Clemont?"

The sapphire blue eyes of the boy met yours as he tilted his head, adjusting his round glasses, "...Y/N?"

You grinned, your mood instantly lifting after recognising a childhood friend, "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in years! I didn't even think you'd remember me for a moment there!"

His eyes seemed to light up with joy as he spoke to you, "Of course I remember you! Ever since you left Kalos, I was hoping you'd come back one day like you said you would and, well, here you are!" He giggled, adjusting his glasses once again, "How have you been? It's been years."

While the two of you were overjoyed at the reunion, Bonnie was jumping at Clemont's side, "Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! You know them?!"

Clemont nodded, "Yeah, this is Y/N. We've been friends since we were..." He paused, "How old were we? Four? Five maybe? It's been so long I can hardly remember when it was."

You searched your brain for an answer but struggled, "I think we were five? It's a little foggy in my brain."

"Ah, it doesn't matter. I just can't believe you're back after all these years!" The two of you hugged each other, of course it was more of a friendly hug than anything else.

However, Bonnie didn't see it that way, "I didn't know you two knew each other for that long! That's perfect!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly, "There's literally no better choice! Please be with my brother, Y/N!"

The small girl jumped at your side before Clemont quickly shut that idea down, "Bonnie, I'm not going to tell you again! Me and Y/N are having a FRIENDLY reunion. So please, stop telling them those things." The girl frowned and stomped the ground a little bit, only getting an exhausted sigh from her brother, "Y/N, I am so sorry. I'd love to catch up with you but I have to take Bonnie home. We could meet up at one of the cafés tomorrow?"

You nodded, "Of course! You'll have to show me around though, haven't been here in years and it looks like everything's changed."

He smiled, letting out a sigh of relief, "Sure thing, meet me at Lumiose Tower tomorrow!"

The two of you waved to each other as he and Bonnie walked away from you. Bonnie's eyes sparkled, "Does that mean you two are going on a date?!" She squealed.

"Oh, for the final time! No, it's not a date!" You could hear him and his sister still going back and forth as they walked further away.

Now, back on track, finding that café your friends were at. You were about to turn around to start looking until you felt a tap on your shoulder. Your head whipped around to see none other than your two friends, Calem and Serena, "There you are, Y/N! We were getting worried about you!" Calem sighed.

Serena placed her hands on her hips and sighed, "I told you we should've walked there with them."

You were quick to shake your head, "Guys, please, don't worry about it." You smiled, "I had the chance to meet up with one of my childhood friends just now!"

They both glanced past you, noticing Clemont and Bonnie not too far away, "You mean Clemont?" Calem asked.

"You two know him?" You asked, tilting your head slightly.

"Of course we do." Serena replied, "He's the gym leader here in Lumiose City."

You blinked a few times, "He is?" You shook your head, "Ah, nevermind. Sorry to make you guys wait for me."

"It's fine, Y/N. A lot of people get lost in Lumiose City." Calem told you, "Plus, we should've given you clearer directions."

"Yeah, there's so many here. Sorry about that." Serena apologised to you.

"No worries, it's alright." You gave her a smile, "Besides, I got to see Clemont again!"

Calem and Serena looked at each other, smiling at your behaviour, "You're really enthusiastic about this, aren't you?"

"Of course I am!" You said with an excited grin, "Him and I were going to meet up tomorrow to catch up on everything!"

Serena giggled, "You're going on a date already?" She teased.

Blush rose to your cheeks, "It's not a date!" Your two friends lightly laughed while you sighed, "You're reacting just like Bonnie did..."

Word count: 1159

Hope you guys liked the oneshot! It was a bit low-effort since I've been really burned out for the past two weeks and I've had a lot of things going on. I'll still be trying to get these oneshots out of course, but not many people are requesting so it's a little hard to think of these.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe!

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