Steven Stone x Reader - Perfect Timing / Part 2

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(First off, the art above is by xiwashiwa on Twitter! The one with the 25 is pretty accurate to the outfit I wanted Steven in for this oneshot. Go check out their art, I've seen very little of it but from what I have seen, they're very cool!)

I had a few comments asking for a part 2, so here it is!
Question of the oneshot! Which Pokémon gym did you struggle the most with? SoulSilver is probably the hardest game I've played since it is also the oldest game I've played, so I gotta say Whitney, her and her damn Miltank. I remember having trouble with Morty as well cause of Hypnosis but I like him way more than that hellspawn.
Anyways, onto the oneshot!

You swiftly moved around your work area, trying to clean it all up while remembering where everything was. Your desk wasn't the neatest but that's how you liked it, it was a mess but it was an organised mess. However, today you felt like cleaning up, mostly because the region's champion that you had accidentally ran into was coming over to the lab. You had to explain everything to the professor of course, it was his lab you were working in after all.

After you were satisfied with your cleaned up area, you quickly got your shoes on and headed out the door, you were going to meet Steven in Mauville City since you had to get some things done there, mostly shopping for things that could help with your research. You flew there on your Altaria, the wind blowing through your hair was always a nice feeling.

Once you arrived, you made sure to get all your errands done as quickly as you could, you didn't want to keep Steven waiting if he got here sooner. You stopped by some of the shops, mostly the ones that sold evolution stones. Sure, they weren't mega stones but they were cool to check out anyway. After that, you went to some other shops to stock up on healing items since you were running low as of recent.

After a few minutes, you had finally finished up. As you made your way to the centre of Mauville City, you came to the realisation that the two of you had never agreed on exactly where to meet up. You shrugged it off, sure that you would find him near the centre. As you glanced around, looking for a place that would be good to wait by. That's when you noticed a small group of people surrounding a familiar man. Looks like you found him.

Multiple people were excitedly talking to him, most probably fans of his. You silently stood in place for a moment, pondering whether or not you should go up to him. If you were being honest, you weren't exactly in the mood to get murdered by his fans, some of them might've hunted you down if they found out you got the chance to hang out with him, despite the fact you only met the other day. It wasn't like it was just a hang out though, he was just willing to help you get your research done.

While you were in your thoughts, you were brought back to reality as you noticed Steven's eyes meeting yours. You watched as he tried to explain something to the group before politely slipping past them, making his way towards you with a smile, "Hey Y/N! I was wondering where you were!"

You returned the smile, waving to him as well, "Hey Steven, sorry if I kept you waiting!" You apologised, hoping that he wasn't waiting for too long.

"Oh, no, not at all! I was worried I would end up keeping you waiting so I wanted to get here earlier." He reassured you, "However, um..." His voice trailed off as he chuckled nervously.

You glanced past him, seeing the small group of people dispersing and talking to their friends about the encounter. It made you laugh a little, "However your fans recognised you?"

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