Volkner x Transmale!reader - Safe space

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This oneshot was requested by
Hello! Back with a very overdue oneshot which probably should've been done like at least four months ago but I had quite a bit going on, very sorry!
Anyway! Question of the oneshot! What's your favourite electric type? I have quite a few since electric is one of my favourite types! I love Galvantula, Ampharos, Xurkitree, Tapu Koko and Alolan Raichu. If you can't tell, I love gen 7.
Anyway, onto the oneshot!

WARNINGS: mentions of transphobia

Here you were again, leaving your home in the middle of the night to walk around the city you lived in. You lived in Sunyshore City, and you often found yourself sneaking out whenever you could. A lot of the time, your family wasn't the best to be around. You were a trans man, and your family wasn't exactly supportive of you. So, whenever you felt the need to, you would walk around the city for a while, often going to the lighthouse for some peace and quiet.

You stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to go up to the top of lighthouse. The noises of the city and the sounds of waves all stopped once the doors to the elevator closed, the only sound you could hear was your breathing.

Eventually, the elevator reached the top of the lighthouse, the doors slowly opening as you stepped out. You let out a breath, wiping your watery eyes. You walked over to the bench by the huge window, taking a seat as you watched the world outside. The night sky glittered with stars as the full moon shone brightly above the region, you could even see the reflection of it on the ocean's surface. It was all very beautiful to look at.

You sat there for a moment, staring at the night sky in thought. Your mind went back to your family. You felt your eyes tearing up as you thought back to the things they would say. You felt your eyes tear up more the longer you thought about it. Family was meant to love you unconditionally. Family was meant to be there for you. Family was meant to feel like home. Family was meant to—

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening once again, the sudden noise almost making you jump out of your skin. You turned around, seeing a rather tall man with blonde hair. He had this sad look in his blue eyes, that look turning into surprise once he eyes met yours. He stood there for a moment, seeming a tad bit awkward, "Oh... sorry, I didn't know anyone was up here." He apologised, although he really didn't need to.

You wiped your eyes as you smiled a bit awkwardly, "I-It's fine." You reassured him, "I usually just come up here to clear my mind... I guess...?" You told him, feeling as though you needed to explain yourself.

The blonde man nodded, "I was gonna say, it is pretty late." He mumbled, his voice sounded tired as he spoke, "Is... everything okay?" He asked, tilting his head a tad.

You slowly nodded, trying not to break down more in front of him, "Yeah, no, I'm alright. It's just..." You paused, your smile slowly beginning to falter, "My family's just... not really that nice to me..." Your words came out slowly, you were quite tired from being out so late.

"Why's that?" He asked with a frown, "If you're comfortable saying, of course."

Your smile returned a bit from his consideration, "Well..." You wondered for a moment, "Should I tell him? What if he reacts badly and makes everything worse? I mean... he seems nice...? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to tell him about...?" You were hesitant, but you decided to talk to him more, "I'm, uh... trans, trans man, to be exact and, well, my family... isn't too supportive of it..." You mumbled out, it almost felt awkward to speak.

His expression changed and for a moment, you were worried he would just react the same way your family did. However... he didn't. His eyes had a sense of sympathy to them, "I'm sorry you have to deal with that..." He mumbled, not exactly knowing what to say in response to comfort someone, "No one should have to put up with their own family treating them like an outcast, it's just unfair..."

You looked over at him, a small smile spreading across your face, "Yeah... it's really unfair..." You mumbled, feeling yourself tear up again, although you really didn't want to cry in front of him, "I just... don't get why they can't... accept me..." Your voice began to break up as you felt tears well up in your eyes, "S-Sorry, I just, um... you know..."

"It's alright, don't apologise." He said with a smile. There was a moment of silence before he realised something, "I forgot to mention, I'm Volkner."

"I'm Y/N." You introduced yourself with a smile, before recognising his name, "Wait... Aren't you a gym leader?"

"Yeah, I use electric types." He answered with a smile, "Also, it's nice to meet you, Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you too, Volkner, but... What're you doing here? I thought the strongest gym leader would have more important things to do." You asked him with a bit of a smile.

"Yeah... About that..." He started with a chuckle, "I don't get many challengers that often, and when I do, they're usually boring." He told you, sighing before smiling at you, "So, I usually come up here when I've got nothing to do. Or when I need to clear my mind, or for any reason, really."

You smiled upon hearing that, "Same here. I always come up here when my family's being hard to deal with... It's always nice and quiet..." You told him, staring out at the night sky, "Plus, the view is amazing..."

He was quick to agree with you on that, staring at the stars, "Yeah, it really is..." He smiled, before turning to you, "You know, if you're family gets really hard to deal with, you can always stop by my gym. I may not know exactly how to help, but I'll be there to listen." He told you, smiling softly, "Only if you want to, of course."

You smiled, "That... would be nice, actually." You told him, deciding to accept his offer, "I'll see if I can stop by sometime."

He smiled, nodding his head slightly, "Alright! If you can't find me in my gym, then I'll probably be here." He told you as you nodded, taking note of that for later on.

More time passed as the two of you continued to talk about anything that came to mind. You found that it was somehow fairly easy to talk to him, the two of you got along quickly.

Eventually, you felt yourself getting rather tired. You yawned, wondering what time it was or how long you had been talking to him for. He chuckled, "You seem tired."

You sleepily nodded, your head feeling a tad heavy, "Yeah... I didn't get much sleep the night before..." You told him, the mention of sleep making you yawn again, "It's been really fun talking to you, Volkner, but I'm probably gonna head back home soon... I really need to sleep..."

He nodded, "Yeah, that's understandable, it's getting late." He soon stood up, staring out at the sky for a minute, before turning to you with a warm smile, "And... It's been really fun talking to you as well, you seem like a cool guy." There was a certain warmth to his voice as he said it, you could tell he was being genuine. It was honestly refreshing to have someone accept you, it made you smile.

You just had this strong feeling that the two of you would get along just fine.

Maybe even more than that...

Word count: 1326
I am so happy I finally got this done, and I'm so sorry it took so long to get out! Writers block has been so annoying, as well as exams and such.
And also, to all my trans siblings out there, please remember that you are loved. You deserve happiness as much as any other person. I know it can't be difficult, but I know you'll all get through this.

Please stay safe and have a wonderful day!

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