Prologue: Graduating UA

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"Yamada Hizashi." The principal called, indicating that it was finally Hizashi's turn to get his diploma, completing graduation. Hizashi went up, grabbed his diploma, then retook his seat at the back of the class. The principal gave a short speech then had us stand up. "Congratulations class 3, you've successfully graduated from UA. I'm excited to see the heroes you become."
As soon as we were able to leave Hizashi ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "We finally did it Sho!" He said, moving his hands to my cheeks, connecting our lips.
"Get a room you guys, we don't want to see that." Oboro teased, walking over to us. Oboro walked in between us, throwing his arms around our shoulders and pulling us close. "We can finally start out own agency, how exciting is that??"
   "Actually um, I had a different idea." I said quietly.
   Oboro and Hizashi turned their attention to me, "What is it Sho?"
   "What if we apply to UA? You know, as teachers? I'm not really meant for being a full time pro, it could be fun to train others with more potential." I replied, messing with my fingers.
   "Hmm, that's actually not a bad idea. What do you think Hizashi?" Oboro asked.
   Hizashi smiled, "I'm up for doing anything, as long as I'm working alongside you guys I'm happy."
"That settles it then? We're going to apply over the summer?" Oboro looked between Hizashi and I, a wide smile on his face.
I nodded, "I guess so."
Today was the day we were going to find out if we were accepted as teachers at UA. It's been a little over a month since we've applied, Principal Nezu saying he had to run a few things over before accepting us. Oboro, Hizashi, and I were currently sitting in our apartment's living room, anxiously waiting for our results. "What happens if we weren't hired?" I asked, nervous.
"Don't sweat it Sho, we're most definitely getting hired." Hizashi said, wrapping an arm around me.
"Yeah! And if not we just go to plan B, start an agency and try again next year!" Oboro added. At that moment our phones went off at the same time. We looked at eachother, taking out our phones and opening our emails.
"I got hired!" We all yelled, simultaneously.
   "This really sets it in stone, huh?" Oboro asked, smiling.
   "Yeah, it does." I replied, a smile spreading onto my face. Hizashi pulled me close to him, planting a kiss on top of my head.
   "Get ready for this Sho, you're going to have to start waking up early again." Hizashi joked.
   I felt my body slump, annoyance start to fill my body at the idea of waking up before 1pm, "I may have made a mistake with this. I regret everything."

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