Toshi's UA Experience

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For over a month the students, mainly Ashido, have been begging me go bring Hitoshi in for class one day. I was reluctant for a while, not wanting to overwhelm Toshi or cause trouble for anybody else in the school. Since then I've talked it over with Hizashi, Nezu, and a couple other teachers and they all said that I should bring him in, Hizashi's reasoning being because he was 5 months old and can handle it. That's what brings us to today.
Today my patents couldn't take care of Hitoshi so her was coming with me. Once I woke up this morning I went to pack a bag for Hitoshi as usual. I did my daily routine of feeding then dressing Hitoshi and then resumed the rest of my morning, changing into my work clothes and getting ready for UA. When ready I threw together a couple bottles for throughout the day and added them to the bag, finishing up everything I needed to do.
As we were leaving I went over everything again to make sure I had every single thing that Toshi would need throughout the day. Once everything was accounted for we headed off to UA. When we got there I moved Hitoshi from his car seat to the carrier I brought and then headed off to class, a couple people looking at me as I walked through the halls.
   I walked into the classroom, the students going silent instantly, or at least until they noticed I had the carrier. "Is that the baby??" Ashido asked, standing up.
   I carefully placed the carrier next to my desk, throwing the bag onto my desk chair. "It is, my parent's couldn't watch him today so I had to bring him with me." I replied.
   "Can we come see him?" Midoriya asked, shyly raising his hand.
   I walked back up to the front of the room, "Later. I want to get you guys to your first class on time." I responded before taking roll. After I sent the kids off to their first class I walked over to Toshi, taking him out of the carrier and sitting on the floor with him. I took a few of the toys I brought with me and gave them to him, Toshi's eyes lighting up once they were in his grasp.
I spent the next couple hours keeping Hitoshi occupied with toys and books. When he started randomly crying it told me he was ready to be fed. I picked Hitoshi up and started bouncing him on my side, once he calmed down enough I went to the teacher's lounge to heat up one of his bottles, finding Oboro sitting inside. He smiled when I entered the room, "Hey Sho, how's he holding up?"
"Surprisingly well, this is the first time he's cried all day." I replied, talking his bottle out of the microwave, testing it on my hand before handing it to Toshi.
"That's good, right? Is that one girl that kept asking about him happy?" Oboro asked. I kept forgetting he taught 1B and didn't know the names of my kids.
"I think so, I rushed them out of the room this morning so I can't say for sure." I replied, keeping a close eye on Toshi. He had a habit of somehow spilling milk all over himself, I haven't managed to figure out how he does it yet though.
   Oboro checked the clock on the wall, "I gotta get going, I'll see you later Sho." Oboro said, walking over to say goodbye to Hitoshi before leaving. Once Oboro was gone I went back to my own classroom, Hizashi waiting for me inside.
   "Hey, where were you?" He asked.
   "Teacher's lounge. Toshi got hungry so I had to warm up one of his bottles." I replied, taking the empty bottle from Hitoshi. I handed Hitoshi to Hizashi while I put the bottle back in the bag.
"I just wanted to come check in, see how you guys were doing." Hizashi said, holding Hitoshi against his shoulder, gently patting his back.
"How kind." I said sarcastically, "We're fine Hizashi, you don't have to worry."
"I'm aware, I'm still going to do it though." Hizashi replied, handing Hitoshi pack to me. "I have class in 5 minutes so I'm gonna head off, I'll see you later." Hizashi came over, kissing me and Hitoshi on the forehead before leaving. About an hour after he left I had to go change Hitoshi. By the time I finished I had slightly under an hour left until my final class started, I spent it holding Hitoshi against my chest as he napped.
   By the time the students came in Hitoshi was still passed out. As they sat down I carefully put Hitoshi back into his carrier, trying not to wake him up. Once everyone was in their seat I started class, "I'm assigning you to do a group assignment today so this class is going to be more of an independent study. You've all known eachother for a while so I feel this'll be easy for you guys. Essentially, get together in groups of 5. You'll be evaluating eachothers quirks along with their pros and cons, quirk wise and fighting wise. Once you finish your evaluation you'll be sharing this information with your group. This'll lead to next weeks's sparring match I have set up. Any questions?"
Ashido raised her hand, "Can we see the baby now?"
I sighed, looking over to see Hitoshi's big purple eyes staring at me. I caved, "I guess." I said, going over to pick up Hitoshi from the carrier. I held him against my side and walked back up to the front of the room, "This is Hitoshi."
"Can we come up to see him?" Kirishima asked. I nodded, several of the students coming up and surrounding Hitoshi.
"Why're his eyes and hair purple? Mr. Yamada's a blonde." Sero asked.
"He ended up getting my mother's hair and eye color." I replied.
"So you weren't kidding? You actually had a kid?" Mineta asked, he was the only one still in his seat.
"I was not, I actually had a kid." I replied, in no mood to deal with Mineta's bullshit. Ashido shot daggers at Mineta before turning back to Hitoshi, holding a finger out to him. Hitoshi didn't hesitate to grab her finger, laughing and she moved it.
"He's adorable Mr. Aizawa." Ashido said, a wide smile on her face.
I felt a soft smile spread onto my face, "Thank you, he really likes the blanket you girls made him by the way. He gets upset if we put him to bed without it." I replied, making the girls smile. After a few more minutes I forced the students to actually get started on their assignment, though there were many protests.
   The rest of class consisted of the students working on their assignments while I did a few things I had to get done for future classes. While I was working Toshi ended up passing out in my arm, making it a little more difficult to work. Once class was over the students left and I packed everything up, heading to Hizashi and Oboro to go home.
   "How did Hitoshi enjoy being around the students?" Oboro asked on the ride home.
   "I think he enjoyed the attention, he didn't cry or anything so I think that speaks volumes." I replied, looking over at the still asleep Hitoshi. I could tell being around the students tired him out, it tires me out aswell so I completely understand.
   When we got back to the apartment I carefully took Toshi to his room, placing him in his crib and covering him up. I unpacked his bag and then went out to the living room, throwing myself onto Hizashi who was lying down on the couch. He started saying something to me but I wasn't listening. The second I wrapped my arms around him I closed my eyes, drifting off to the sound of his heartbeat.

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