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It's been a little over a month since the villain attack near UA. Nothing else has happened so things are finally calming down. UA had been a little tense the last few weeks though, the students were scared that the League was planning to attack. Since there have only been normal villain attacks far from UA the panic has finally gone down, school life finally starting to feel normal again.
I woke up this morning feeling a huge wave of nausea. I ran out of bed and threw my head over the toilet. Hizashi ran in seconds after me, crouching next to me while pulling my hair back. When I finally stopped I leaned against Hizashi, my body feeling nothing but numb and tired. "Are you alright? What's going on?" Hizashi asked, slowly running his fingers through my hair.
   "I don't know, I just felt nauseous. I'm sure I'm fine." I replied, slowly starting to stand up.
   Hizashi pulled me back down, "You're not fine Sho, you should stay home and rest today."
   "I can't, we've only been teaching for 2 months. That's not long enough to be able to take a sick day, I'll be fine." I said, yet again standing up, this time succeeding. I walked out to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of coffee and a granola bar before sitting down at the table. After I finished the granola bar it didn't take too long for me to need to throw up again. I ran back into the bathroom, Hizashi following me.
   "Shota there's something wrong."
   "I'm fine Hizashi, just nauseous for some reason." I replied, sitting against the wall.
   "But Sho-"
   "I'm fine, I'll be fine, everything's fine." I insisted, standing up and grabbing my outfit for class. I knew I wasn't fine. I felt god awful, worse than usual. Regardless I refused to skip a day of work right now, it's way too early to miss days. Once I was ready I met up with Hizashi and Oboro. They were waiting by the front door, both of them having worried expressions on their faces.
   "Shota you don't look too good." Oboro said, moving the back of his hand to my forehead.
   I pulled away and scoffed, "I'm fine, I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. Can we leave now? I don't want to be late." Hizashi and Oboro sighed but started out the door, I followed them close behind.
When we pulled into UA Hizashi yet again asked if I was ok. I quickly blew him off, going to my classroom and starting homeroom. When the kids were gone I curled into my sleeping bag, just wanting to nap before I had to deal with hero training. This failed as I yet again started feeling nauseous. I sighed and quickly made my way to the staff bathroom, locking myself in a stall and once again leaning my head over a toilet.
"I don't know what the fuck's going on with me but I'm already over it. I hate being sick and I hate the feeling of throwing up, this is driving me mad quicker than I thought it would." I complained to myself. When I finished throwing up I walked out of the stall and went to the sink, throwing water onto my face. I wiped the water off with the sleeve of my jumpsuit then went back to my classroom.
   I curled back into my sleeping bag, yet again attempting to nap. This time I succeeded, though I was only allowed to sleep for a short time as Hizashi busted into the room not too long after I fell asleep. I looked up at him, I could feel frustration fill my body. "What the hell do you want Hizashi?"
   "Talk about rude. I wanted to check in, see how you were doing." Hizashi said, walking over and sitting on the floor next to me.
"I'm fine Hiza-"
"I know I know. I'm fine, there's nothing wrong, stop asking, whatever. I'm being serious Sho, there's something going on and I want to know what."
"I don't know what's wrong. All I know is that I feel constant nausea and that my body feels shittier than usual. I don't think it's that big of a deal though, I'm sure it'll pass in a day or so." I replied, closing my eyes.
I heard Hizashi move then felt him start to pull me towards him. I opened my eyes to find myself lying in between his legs with my back resting against his chest, Hizashi's arms around my waist. "I'm just worried about you Shota, you know that I don't like seeing you feel shitty."
I relaxed into Hizashi's arms, closing my eyes again, "I know. Like I said, it'll be gone in a couple days. It's probably just a bug or something."
"Yeah, I hope so."
   I woke up as Hizashi started standing up. I looked around in confusion, Hizashi extending a hand out to me, "Your class is going to be here soon, you should probably get ready." I sighed, taking his hand and letting him pull me up. When I was on my feet I removed my sleeping bag and walked over to my desk, looking through a couple papers that I felt may be needed for training today.
Hizashi and I said our goodbyes and Hizashi started heading out the door, the students starting to come in before he was able to leave. Kaminari was the first one in, noticing Hizashi instantly. "Hi Mr. Yamada, what're you doing here?"
"Hey Kaminari, I just had to check in with Aizawa about something real quick." Hizashi said, quickly making his exit. A small laugh escaped my lips watching him, the idiot never fails to make me feel better. When he was gone and the students were all in their seats I started the lesson, telling them to change and meet me in the gym.
   Training flew by fairly quickly and before I knew it it was time to dismiss them. I waited for them to leave and then went up to my room, gathering my things before heading off to Hizashi. I went to his room to find him already waiting for me. We then went to go get Oboro and left, finally going home for the day.

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