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A little over a month has passed since talking with Nezu. The day after my students came up to me, worried that something was wrong. Once I told them everyrhing was fine things calmed down but their concern was still there. Every now and then they would still come up and check on me, even though my answer was the same every time they asked. Oboro has been the same way since he found out, constantly checking on me and seeing if I needed anything, though I somehow found it less annoying when it came from him and Hizashi.
I woke up feeling more tired than usual, which honestly says something seeing as I've been tired to the point of passing out 24/7 for weeks now. I pushed this aside, accepting my fate for the day and moving on to get dressed. I grabbed my jumpsuit from the closet and went to the bathroom.
   I threw my shirt to the ground, my eyes freezing on the mirror seconds later. I looked down and noticed that my eyes weren't deceiving me, I was starting to show. I ran my hand down the firm skin, stopping at the bottom of my abdomen. I sighed, "You couldn't stay hidden for just a little longer?" I asked, feeling slightly defeated, a little longer and there's no more hiding it.
   I also pushed this aside for the time being. I proceeded to throw my pants to the ground then slid on my jumpsuit. I took one last look in the mirror, grateful for the fact that I chose baggy clothes for my hero costume. Once finished in the bathroom I walked out into the kicthen, finding Oboro sitting at the table and Hizashi at the stove.
   Hizashi turned around and smiled as he heard me come in. "Good morning! I'm almost done with breakfast, sit down while I finish."
   "I'm not hungry." I mumbled, sitting down next to Oboro, zero will to eat anything.
   "Sho you have to, it's not just you that you're taking care of." Hizashi lectured.
I placed a hand on my abdomen and sighed, resting my head on the table, "Don't remind me."
   "You almost sound disappointed Sho." Oboro teased. "Shouldn't you be happy?"
   I looked at him with heavy eyes, "It's not that I'm not happy, it's annoying to think about. It's especially annoying to think it's only going to get more agitating as time goes on." I replied.
   Oboro and Hizashi both looked at me, "It'll all be worth it though Sho, just think about us having a kid by the end up it." Hizashi said.
I put my head back down, "Still debating on if it's worth it."
   I heard a plate get set in front of me, looking up to see Hizashi standing in front of me. "Eat Sho, if not for you then for the baby." Hizashi said, pleading. I gave in and ate what was on the plate Hizashi gave me. After eating Hizashi and Oboro went to go change and we left for UA.
   When it came time for hero training I slowly made my way to the front of the room. If we're being honest I do not have a plan for today's class. My mind's been so preoccupied with other things I feel as if I've had zero time to think about class. As I got to the front I figured I'd just go grab Hizashi and have the kids spar against him seeing as he was free right now.
"Today I'm going to have you guys do 2 on 1 battles. Seeing as I can't spar against you guys right now I'm going to go grab another teacher to fill in for me. Head down to the gym and change, I'll meet you guys there." I said once I got to the front of the room. When the students fully left I went off to Hizashi's room. When I got there I went into the room, finding Hizashi sitting at his desk.
   He looked over at me in confusion. "Sho? I thought you had class right now." Hizashi said, standing up and heading towards me.
   "I do. I was hoping you could come train with the students seeing as I can't."
   "I see, yeah I can do that." Hizashi replied, smiling.
   "There's one catch, you're not using your quirk."
   Hizashi laughed, "That changes nothing, I'm still more than willing to help you." With that Hizashi and I headed down to the gym together, the students already waiting when we got there.
   Hizashi and I took our places in front of the students. I crossed my arms and began explaining today's training, "I'm going to grab the lot boxes, you are to take on Present Mic in teams on 2. Mic's not using his quirk and neither are you guys, today is strictly combat. I want you guys to do your best to take him down without relying on your quirks. You'll be in the fighting circle, the match ends either when somebody gives in or you exit the circle."
   As soon as I knew everybody was on the same page I went and grabbed the lot boxes, having the students draw their teams one by one. When teams were set Hizashi got into position and the first team stepped up. The match began but didn't last long, Hizashi quickly able to knock both students out of the circle.
As the matches went on barely anybody was able to land any kind of hits on Hizashi, which kind of surprised me. 1A is filled with strong students, I was expecting them to be able to take him on a little easier. Half way through the matches only one team had been able to beat Hizashi, the team consisting on Bakugo and Kirishima. I gave a 5 minute break to Hizashi before finishing up the rest of the matches.
By the end of it only one other team beat Hizashi, Todoroki and Midoriya. A couple other teams came close but Hizashi still managed to knock them
out of the circle. I sent the students to change and then dismissed them, leaving Hizashi and I alone in the gym. "Impressive, I wasn't expecting only 2 of the teams to be able to beat you." I said, standing up.
Hizashi laughed, "You think I'm that bad at fighting huh? I can take a couple of students Sho. Though I have to say, that Bakugo kid's tough, tougher than I thought he was."
I nodded, "He's definetly at the top of 1A, I have high hopes for him." I replied, starting to head out of the gym. Hizashi agreed and followed me, going to Oboro's room. Oboro was finishing up the last little bit of work he had to do when we got there. When he finished we walked out to the car, going home for the remainder of the day.

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