Leaving UA

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Today was my last day teaching before going on maternity leave. I still had 2 weeks until Nezu and I had originally said I'd leave but I learned as the days went on just how hard it's getting for me to be able to teach the kids with all my focus. Hizashi is planning on staying the last 2 weeks as I told him that I wanted him to at least stay, but I just physically can't last any longer.
   As I walked into the room I took in the moment, knowing that I won't be back here or be able to see my students in months. I walked to the front of the room, the kids quieting down instantly. "As you may remember today is my last day before I go on leave. I just wanted to tell you guys that hero training today's just going to be an indepent study period. Whether you come to class or not is up to you, just make sure you're using the time in which you best benefit from. I'll be here if you need anything or have any questions." I said before taking attendance.
   After attendance I sent them off to their first class, walking over to my desk once they were gone. I sank into my chair, happy to be off my feet. While I waited for my class to start I went through a few things that were in my desk and wrote down some things for whoever was taking over for me. I wanted to at least leave behind some sort of plan just in case the substitute wanted to use it.
About an hour later my classroom door flew open, a lady in a skin tight white body suit with long navy blue hair walked in. She smiled as she saw me and walked over, "Hi! Are you Aizawa Shota?" She asked. I nodded in response. She held her hand out to me as she got closer to me, "I'm Kamaya Nemuri, I'll be taking over for you while you're out. It's a pleasure to meet you."
I took her hand, "It's nice to meet you too." I responded not knowing what else to say.
Kamaya took a seat on my desk and smiled down at me, "I just wanted to come by and meet you. I have the students for a different class so I wanted to see exactly who was in charge of their hero training now, see if you had any advice. I've never taught hero training before."
   "I was actually just finishing up something with some tips just in case you wanted to use it." I replied, handing her the paper.
   She read through it, a smile on her face the entire time. "This is really useful. The kids are lucky to have you as their teacher, you really know what you're doing and I can tell you care about them a lot just by how much detail you put into this." Kamaya said.
   "I- thank you. I wish I could stay for the rest of the semester but I've slowly learned just how impossible that is."
   Kamaya laughed, "I bet, pregnancy can't be easy. How far along are you?"
   "6 and a half months, I didn't plan on leaving until I was 7 months in but I can't give my full attention to the students anymore and I don't think that's fair to them." I replied.
   "I like you Aizawa. When you come back we're totally becoming friends." Kamaya said, getting off my desk. "I'll leave you be to finish off whatever it is you still need to take care of. It was great meeting you Aizawa, good luck with your kid."
   "Thank you, it was great meeting you too." I replied, Kamaya walking out of the room. Once she was gone I finished up the last couple things I needed to do before my leave.
   By the time my class time came around basically all of the students were in the classroom which kind of surprised me, I wasn't expecting them to actually show up to class. When the bell rang 19/20 of the students were here, the only one missing being Mineta. "Mr. Aizawa? Do you have a minute?" Ashido asked, standing up.
"Yeah, of course." I replied.
She smiled and walked over to my desk, the rest of the students getting up and following her. I looked at her, confused. "Seeing as it's your last day we all pitched in and we wanted to get you a couple things." Ashido said, a few of the students placing bags on my desk.
"Guys you didn't have to-"
"I know we didn't have to but we really wanted to." Ashido said.
"Yeah, we wanted to help out with the baby, even if it's just a little bit." Sero added.
"It might not be a lot but we hope you like them." Asui said.
"What are you waiting for? Open them!" Ashido insisted, pushing the bags closer to me.
   I hesitated but reached for the first bag. Inside were multiple different hero themed onesies, including an Eraserhead and Present Mic onesie. Inside the second bag there were a couple things like bottles, bibs, and other things like that. Finally inside the third bag was a purple knitted baby blanket that I can tell was hand made. Underneath the blanket was a stack of letters, I'm assuming they're from the students.
   "Guys, you really didn't have to do this. But thank you, this is just, I'm speechless, really." I said, not knowing what else to say that could express my gratitude.
   "We're glad you like everything. We just really wanted to put together something to show how thankful and appreciative we are that you've put so much effort into teaching us and helping us get stronger." Ashido said, a wide smile on her face.
   "Really, I don't think any of us would be where we are without you." Midoriya added.
   "I'd just like it to be known that the girls really put a lot of effort into that blanket, they all took turns making it." Kirishima noted.
   "Really?" I asked, the girls all nodding in unison. I smiled, "It's beautiful girls, thank you. I'm sure Toshi's going to love it."
   "Is that the baby's name?" Jiro asked.
   I nodded, "It is. And I promise you I'll read all the letters when I get home. It really means a lot that you guys took the time to do all this, I really don't deserve having students like you."
   "You deserve every bit of it, you're an amazing teacher. We're going to miss you a lot while you're out." Kaminari replied.
   "I expect you to bring him in one day when you come back, I want to meet him." Ashido said.
   I laughed, "I think I can manage that."
   "Take care of yourself, alright? You better come back to us." Bakugo added.
   "I will, I'll definetly come back." I replied. For the remainder of class I ended up talking to the students. When class ended they all said their goodbyes and went off to the dorms. Once they left I gathered my things and headed off to Hizashi's room, a small feeling of sadness pulling at me.
   "What are those?" Hizashi asked when I walked into the room, noticing the bags in my hand.
   "Things the students gave me for Hitoshi." I replied, setting the bags down and wrapping my arms around him, just wanting Hizashi to hold me.
Hizashi put his arms around me, holding me close. "They're good kids, I can tell they really care about you." Hizashi replied.
I nodded, digging my face deeper into his chest, "They are, I really don't deserve them."

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